@Danwilliams26 First and foremost, welcome
There's absolutely nothing to be worried about when it comes down to the course. The piece of advice I will give you is to read the Laws Of The Game (LOTG).
I've seen that you are 25 years old, have you played football in the past? I recommend having a good read through the LOTG. Even myself as a player, having played for many years, I learnt quite a bit by reading the book. There are many things that I done (and sometimes said, contested for etc) where I thought I was in the right, in turns out that I wasn't.
You'll do a combination of theoretical studies and physical activites which will introduce you to the LOTG and practices etc, but obvioulsy the better preapred you are for it, the easier you will find it; and the easier you will find the examination at the end of the course.
I wouldn't worry to much, just prepare (by prepare I mean read the LOTG). Do you have any kit yet?