Heard something today - Didn't like it!


RefChat Addict
As per another thread, all our local federation refs are busy with the National Secondary Schools tournament in town. We have been instructed to operate a 'zero-tolerance' policy on bad language and so far, apart from a racist incident at one game, and a couple of coaches getting heated there has been no problem with it - then there was today.

The game on the pitch next to mine this morning suddenly erupted with shouts of 'Aw Come ON ref!!!!" "What's that for?" etc etc. Glancing across as my ball went OOP, it is a colleague of mine who I have worked with on a number of occasions. Oops I think to myself, what ya done to deserve that?

Afterwards, in the ref room getting changed, he came in to use the loo before heading off for his second game, "What was all that about?" I ask.

"Ah yes, a lad mis-kicked it and it went out of play. He shouts "F####ng C##t!"

"Straight red then, simples" I say.

"Yep, and I made sure I held it up nice and high, and for a few seconds longer than necessary, and boy, did I enjoy it!"

Off he went for another game. I was left there thinking, 'Enjoyed it? Really? Who enjoys red-carding players?'

I'm quite proud of my low card count, all of which were deserved, and apart from maybe two or three occasions I think I've carded everyone who deserved one. But I certainly didn't 'enjoy' any of them.

Maybe he just picked the wrong words to say, but made me think, and I'll admit to being a little disappointed.
A&H International
I understand what you mean. I don't see that we are there to enjoy disciplining players but will do so if it becomes a requirement. I have to say that I always feel dissapointed if I have to hand a card out. Mind you that might be a failing on my part. Only card last night was a yellow for kicking a player. On reflection it could have been a red for VC, but it was a retaliation for an apparent late tackle (didn't see it myself), and wasn't particularly hard. That said it could only have been done with intent. I think I need to hand the right ones out a bit more often - but I won't enjoy it.
Just part of the job. Nothing to like or dislike. Hopefully they player has learned a lesson for next time.

*stifles a laugh*
I haven't carded anyone yet and boy can I tell you I aren't looking forward for my first one :/
Lost count of the times I've heard stuff like this.

Worst for me was about 10 years ago. One particular player was notorious for acting the goat and being carded an awful lot. One particular referee I was chatting to before a game, said to me "I'm gonna bin him today!" And he did. Couldn't believe my eyes and ears.
Without context of what happened prior to the red and what happened when the red came out it sounds bad. Was he on the refs case throughout, was he one of those players who just look 2 seconds from diving into a leg breaker etc. still the word enjoy doesn't sit comfortably I guess.

I haven't carded anyone yet and boy can I tell you I aren't looking forward for my first one :/
Don't fear the cards, they have their place and players will usually expect them when they deserve them. The worst thing you can do at certain situations is not deliver the expected caution/red as this is a green light for all manner indiscipline! (What you don't punish, you encourage!).

Thats not to say you should go straight to the pocket either! It's a balancing act and the art of knowing when to administer a visible warning and when to go to the pocket will come with time and experience.
I've said things at half time like "If I don't send him off in the second half, I'll eat my hat" or "He'll be sent off by the time this match is over if he keeps acting like that" but I never enjoy sending someone off. I actually greatly dislike it.