The Ref Stop



Two contrib lines recently where there's been a clear throw in to one side and I've gone the other way!?

Yesterday, the referee was giving the discreet signal downstairs, I saw it and had the flag in my left hand but then signalled attacking throw.

I know I was wrong as soon as I did it but don't understand why I did!? I think it's a case of a 3 second switch off and look what it causes!

Thankfully nothing came of it apart from 5 seconds of "switch on liner" and I know the referee well so just a "wtf" look from him and a clip round the lug in the changers.

Anyone else switch off for a matter if seconds and wished they hadn't?
The Ref Stop
Yeah, I was doing the lines and on the other pitch, something was kicking off. So I watched that for about 10 seconds. :P
fortunately I haven't, well not at the moment!

thus far when I've lined, I've had a ref that likes to make US look good as a team so always gives a look over for throw in's etc. and we go together on decisions (I lead if its in my credible, he does the sly point if its out of mine)

although I have a couple of times started the second half and kept the line on the attacker and not the 'new' defence! lol again, fortunately its never caught me off guard, always correct myself in time!
I'm sure anyone who "lines" regularly has done it.

Its weird though isn't it - most of the time you can bang them out no bother, but at odd times you just get this "blindness"

Good ref should help you out but at the humble level most us operate there are bound to be one or two calls that go awry!
I'm sure anyone who "lines" regularly has done it.

Its weird though isn't it - most of the time you can bang them out no bother, but at odd times you just get this "blindness"

Good ref should help you out but at the humble level most us operate there are bound to be one or two calls that go awry!
its called a brain f,,t i am sure every referee has done it i like ALEX71 method, get used to mentally talking to your self things like. blue attacking, red ball if it goes out, corner, corner, goal kick, it will get easier
I'm with Alex on this one and have adopted it since being AR on Welsh League being with other officials from higher levels or different experience levels also helps.

I tend to coach myself through it, albeit I am far from perfect.

Most Referee's will guide the AR for credibility but had a few yesterday... It's a learning curve so we're all human right?!