The Ref Stop

Has anyone got any pre-match superstitions? The more ridiculous the better!

In my first stint refereeing, I used to break out my black for what I felt were "big games" whenever I was able to do so. I did this because I had a big rivalry game under the lights, and I wore black as the teams wore red and gold. I had a really good game (one of my ARs, who was notoriously sparse with positive feedback for referees, called my performance "fantastic" after the game was done), so for future games I'd break out the "big game black" if team colors worked and my fellow referees all knew it. Keep in mind that in the US, our primary referee color is gold/yellow.

Today, I always wear two watches. Even in high school or college games where the official time is kept on a stadium clock (US high schools and colleges have some goofy timing rules), I still wear two watches whether in the middle or on a line. I just don't feel right if I don't wear that second watch, even if I wear it under a wristband and no one else sees it.
The Ref Stop
Not really a superstition but I generally do morning and afternoon games both Saturday and Sunday and never really feel quite right in the afternoon if I haven't had my morning game