Handball in the penalty area


The avuncular one
Diagonal ball played lowish and with pace into the penalty area where an attacker is waiting. Defender is lining himself up to intercept and chest it down. He misjudges the flight of the ball as it bounces and tries to adjust his position moving his body to the left towards the ball. Sadly for him he cannot move fast enough to get his chest to the ball and instead the ball hits him on the top of the arm (bicep area). Arm was by his side. There is an attacker behind him, the ball would likely have gone to him, but wide of the goal given the pace on the ball.

A&H International
It's simple really, did he intend to hit the ball with his arm? I.e. Has the arm moved towards it when he realised he wasn't going to chest it. Seen it a few times were they mess up a chest control type action and reactively hit it with their arm.

The second implied bit I doubt it would be conceived as a DOGSO based on your description of how fast the ball was travelling, not under control etc.
You said the ball hit him...and his arm was in a 'natural' position - end of discussion, surely
If he is moving his whole body toward the flight of the ball to block it, and doesn't quite get far enough, does it really matter that has arms were down in a natural position? He was moving his entire body toward the ball.. Would have to see it in person or on video but for me that could very well be handling.
Gotta be there I suppose , but as you describe it , no offence , play on