Guzan in Villa vs Man City

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Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
He was wearing a black kit, as well as the ref... I thought Law 4 would apply and keeper needs to find different kit? Obviously at that level money is not an issue?
What sorts of example it sets especially when at Saturday/Sunday league we tell keepers not to wear black.... Go figure
The Referee Store
Premier League seems to have it's own laws!

Noticed quite a few Premier League games these days where the one of keepers often has the same colour shirt as the ref. Personally I don't think it's that big a deal especially when sides are allowed to wear the same colour shorts.
It was interesting that at a recent presentation at my CFA annual do. A well-known PL referee, when asked why PL referees ignore obvious dissent and OFFINABUS, stated that because of the noise of the crowd, and the earphones, they don't hear it.
Yeah, right!!
Gosh, the thread was about shirts. I thought it might have been about his outrageous timewasting.

And of all the controversial incidents in the game.... why do Villa put a mark 11 yards from the corner?
Let's draft a letter to Premier League officials saying how they're letting us down. What would we mention? Brad Guzan's shirt. 15 seconds for goalie kicks. Not punishing dissent. Allowing crappy throws. Encroachment at penalties. What else?
Absolutely. I've abandoned several games because players had incorrect sock tape. It's the Law!

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