The Ref Stop

Grassroots Penalty?


New Member
Morning everyone,

Please can I have thoughts on this. Incident is at 08:35, not me by the way.


Both players holding each other, maybe defender slightly more, but attacker defo looking for it.

Any alternative decisions for this - drop ball, let the game play on etc...
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The Ref Stop
Morning everyone,

Please can I have thoughts on this. Incident is at 08:35


Both players holding each other, maybe defender slightly more, but attacker defo looking for it.

Any alternative decisions for this - drop ball, let the game play on etc...

You can't award a dropped ball since a physical offence would have occurred. Plus you'd then just have to drop the ball to the keeper, so you might as wll just award a defensive free kick.

There's very little in that, I don't think I give anything there and just play on, but if it was to be anything else it can only be a defensive foul.

Some development for this referee, is to signal what they have blown the whistle for. I really don't think the referee makes it clear what his decision is.

I think if you think both are holding each other you just crack on no foul keep going but if not and it's a defensive hold (and remember a holding offence must impact a players movement) then it's a pen (albeit a very soft one and not one I would like to have to give in a game).
You should watch the whole you tube clip, the referee has abit of a nightmare, a solid red card at 21.11 and does not even show a yellow, amongst other decisions.
1. Can hardly see the ref due to the colours worn.
2. When you do see where he is, he has no angle to make that call and is looking through bodies. Static.
3. That call could be, to either team, or, to none. Based purely on the footage avail I cant see enough to award anything, far less a pk.

imo is gotta be, nothing, defensive, then attacking. In that order
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Watch the whole clip im sure you would have red carded him....the guy got away with 2 previous straight reds
It sounds like he was on a yellow already so easiest second yellow of my life to send him off.

as for the penalty call, I’ve given them and every time I’ve known it was the wrong call in hindsight. It’s really easy to see that and quickly blow but taking a few seconds to think about it would’ve stopped the ref giving the softest penalty.
Attacker has done a Harry Kane and gone looking for it by backing into the defender, resulting in players holding each other, defensive free kick for me.
For the penalty appeal, i've watched it about 10 times and there is an element of the defender locking arms with the attacker and dragging him down. You can stop it at various points and it looks very messy and untidy from the defender. I'd have loved to see the reaction of the defender when the penalty was given.

Edit: Big fan of the drone footage, nice touch for that standard of football!
They were 4-0 down don't think he cared about conceding.....
That’s a very odd mentality, are you saying it can’t be SPA or DOGSO at 4-0?

Are you applying the same mentality, but the reverse cards, if say at 4-0, a player trips a player up who’s going through on goal. YC for the trip but nothing for DOGSO because its 4-0 so he wouldn't have cared about conceding?
That’s a very odd mentality, are you saying it can’t be SPA or DOGSO at 4-0?

Are you applying the same mentality, but the reverse cards, if say at 4-0, a player trips a player up who’s going through on goal. YC for the trip but nothing for DOGSO because its 4-0 so he wouldn't have cared about conceding?
All personal opinion here not generalising all events similar to this, never said it couldn't be SPA/DOGSO, I've watched the clip and seen what that player has done previous in the game, he should have been red carded twice before this incident. None of us will know his exact intent except him, in my opinion and noting his previous interactions in this game that was excessive force.
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No chance it is a penalty, I'd just be playing on.

I'd say the tackle is in the orange category. As I've said many times before, I don't like challenges where there is no attempt for the ball as that becomes just kicking an opponent rather than a tackle. But this is far from being one of the worst of those kind of tackles, and it certainly isn't a clear missed red. It is a very obvious caution though.
Tackle yellow for me based purely on the tackle, and nothing else that has gone before
That tackle 30secs in, or 30 secs to go, is a yellow card, its not one early on we can manage.
I am also factorimg in the level of game and the expectations, the red is a surprise and we really do not want or need surprises
That’s a very odd mentality, are you saying it can’t be SPA or DOGSO at 4-0?

Are you applying the same mentality, but the reverse cards, if say at 4-0, a player trips a player up who’s going through on goal. YC for the trip but nothing for DOGSO because its 4-0 so he wouldn't have cared about conceding?
I think he means the opposite in that he was just taking his opponent out.

For me it's a dark yellow. One in which the temperature of the game and what has gone on before could see me decide that there was some ill intention from the player and thus see me go red.

But firmly in the yellow camp overall.
a solid red card at 21.11 and does not even show a yellow, amongst other decisions.

You have to pause it, but it's a (crap) tackle that ends in a trip.

I'd agree with you that it is a red if the studs came anywhere near him, but I'm not convinced.

Yellow at the very least IMO.