GPS watch - garmin forerunner 220


The avuncular one
I have recently invested in one of these watches with the heart rate monitor. I have trained and done matches with a hrm watch as my second watch (right wrist) for a couple of seasons, but wanted more in depth stats. After searching the reviews I bought the forerunner 220.

Did a match with it yesterday and I have to say I am very impressed with it. The break down of heart rate, speed, distance run, where I am running on the pitch broken down by time is ace.

Anyone else use a device like this?

As a side note, I have always been curious as to how far I run during a match but have never been curious enough to actually take my iPhone out with me onto the pitch for fear of damaging it. Yesterday was a reasonable effort match, flat pitch and nice and wide. Ran just over 4.14 km in first half, 4.18 in second half. So now I know!
A&H International
How much did that set you back? I have also wondered on stats like those, my game yesterday was a good one but not taxing on my fitness really but some games I've walked off the pitch looking more tired than some of the players and have wanted to know how far, fast etc I'd gone.
Off amazon it was just over £200 with watch and hrm strap bought separately. You can buy them together in a neat pack but this bumps the price up to Just under £240! Odd.

Also spent 69p on an iPad app to break down stats.
I would say that highlights the difference in quality and speed between welsh and English leagues. I was up with play, happy that I was where I needed to be all game. Out running/sprinting players on quick breaks/ counter attacks. My running distance is what the game dictated. I don't think I was tested yesterday.

A bit of research shows that a FIFA referee is expected to cover 12 km per match, English prem just below that. There are no stats that I am aware of for welsh prem.

That said, my level is a long way below yours at the moment Dan!
I got a Garmin 405cx on e-bay for about £65 with HRM. If you are willing to hang around and lurk on there you can get some really good bargains. The only thing is that I don't use it as a watch, but as it came with extra Velcro straps I wrap it around my bicep under my shirt sleeve. Yesterday was a bit referee Ping-Pong and I covered about 5.5 miles all told. The frightening thing was that towards the end of the first half, my heart rate topped 190bpm, with an average around 165bpm. Based on the old 220-age measure for maximum heart rate, I must have the heart of a thirty year old. Just a shame I've got the looks and body of a 60 year old.:(
I hate it when they play ref ping pong! Players walking back as ref sprints past trying to get back in touch with the long ball.... And then they lose the ball and it gets punted back the other way....

It was a bit quieter than that for me, average 140 - max 164.
I've got the 610 and it's brilliant. Overlay on Google maps is great as are all the other features. The touch screen is a bit fiddly at times but I've customised it to show the big 4 details that I'm interested in. Looking at my stats I'm doing about 4.5-5 miles per game.