Goalkeeper sent off for removing pitch invader from the field

Jack M

Active Member
Level 6 Referee

There is an argument that this was a poor decision by the referee, but I can see why he has sent him off by the way he remove the fan.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?
A&H International
It's classed as violent conduct in the LOTG.

"He is also guilty of violent conduct if he uses excessive force or brutality against a team-mate, spectator, match official or any other person."

It's happened before and will happen again unless players learn to stay out of it. A recent example was in the Red Card quiz doing the rounds a week or so back. A player (player/manager actually) was sent off for tackling a streaker.
I don't think that the force used was excessive or brutal for that situation. Throwing to the floor, punching in the head might be excessive, but dragging off the field seems a perfectly weighed action.
I don't think that the force used was excessive or brutal for that situation. Throwing to the floor, punching in the head might be excessive, but dragging off the field seems a perfectly weighed action.
And if the roles had been reversed? Or it was between two players? Or it was against a referee? Cue ensuing uproar.
A senior grade referee once told me that, these days, players at the top level are briefed not to get involved with pitch invaders.
And if the roles had been reversed? Or it was between two players? Or it was against a referee? Cue ensuing uproar.
Against another player or referee: excessive and brutal, VC. Against a pitch invader? Dragging off field is exactly what the security would do because it is perfect for the situation.
It would be better if players could get rid of pitch invaders, just YouTube pitch invaders get taken out, it's hilarious
I don't think that the force used was excessive or brutal for that situation. Throwing to the floor, punching in the head might be excessive, but dragging off the field seems a perfectly weighed action.
Wouldn't like to meet you in a dark alley.
VC and a red card all day.
Moral of the story - Not the keeper's job to deal with the spectator
Against another player or referee: excessive and brutal, VC. Against a pitch invader? Dragging off field is exactly what the security would do because it is perfect for the situation.
And that's why you have security at low level games in Australia, so THEY deal with the incident, not the players or match officials.
I am a goalkeeper @paulwfromtheden but it definintely would not be me doing the dragging. And I agree, it's foolish for players to get involved unless they are threatened, but I don't think physical manhandling is in itself excessive.

Coincidentally I was at my daughter's referee training last night, doing the taxi thing, and they had a LOTG and bylaws quiz. One of the questions was about ground stewards, something like: (A) At referee's request steward assists in ensuring coaches and spectators meet code of conduct; (B) Steward assists referee with player control; (C) Game cannot start without steward. Being her first season, all of her games have been U12 and U13, but the answer is still C.

ETA: though in practice the only thing the stewards have been needed for all year is someone in hi-viz who can point you to the home team manager or coach.
You can't possibly compare actions against a spectator/player to actions against a referee. A player using a forceful push on me will be sent off and the match abandoned. The same push on an opponent would be yellow!
This for me was probably less force than the stewards would have used.
A caution for getting involved certainly, but violent conduct? I'm not so sure.
You can't possibly compare actions against a spectator/player to actions against a referee. A player using a forceful push on me will be sent off and the match abandoned. The same push on an opponent would be yellow!
This for me was probably less force than the stewards would have used.
A caution for getting involved certainly, but violent conduct? I'm not so sure.
There is no comparison, the LOTG groups them all together for the purposes of VC.
And the stewards are "paid to" (or at least they are responsible for) evicting pitch invaders. They may use more force but they're insured to do so and trained accordingly.
The message is clear to players - stay out of it, don't lay your hands on anyone or you'll pay the penalty - a sending off for VC.
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I agree the laws foolishly do not differentiate, but am I only going to caution a player that pushes me....no.
You can't possibly compare actions against a spectator/player to actions against a referee. A player using a forceful push on me will be sent off and the match abandoned. The same push on an opponent would be yellow!
This for me was probably less force than the stewards would have used.
A caution for getting involved certainly, but violent conduct? I'm not so sure.
I did award you like, but then took it away for the last sentence! lol sorry mate :p

Don't get involved with spectators - VC and off you go. Let the referee and ground staff do their jobs