Goal keeper swap at Kicks from the penalty mark


New Member
Just wanted some clarification from all you knowledgeable peps on here. As the rules I cannot work out properly what is the right answer?

If the game has gone to kicks from the penalty mark and before this starts one team asks to swap the goal keeper with a player who finished on field at the end of the game is this allowed?
A&H International
Part of the answer to the question is to remember that a it is not a substitution when a different player is designated as GK. They can do that any time they want. During a game they can swap in a different player before a PK is taken. During KFTM, they can swap who is the GK before every kick if they want. (As a youth coach,when I had more than one GK, I would generally change GKs so one kid wasn’t the goat if we lost.)
Yes a player taking part in kicks from the penalty mark can swap places with their GK at any time.
Important to remember this does not apply where the replacement player had finished on the field but has been excluded to reduce/match numbers with the other team. They can only go in goal if the GK cannot continue (injured), in that situation the team can also replace the GK with a named substitute if they have not used their maximum allowed substitutions.