Getting tough on dissent!


RefChat Addict
Like I'm sure most were, I was sceptical when the FA announced that referees would be getting tough on dissent, but from my limited experience it does seem to have had an impact.

I needed my football fix so I went to see Oldham v Wigan in the EFL Cup. It was noticeable that they were few complaints about any decision the ref made; players would start to move towards him, then decide against it and walk away. The same applied when a Wigan player saw red, not a word, he just walked straight off, whilst his teammates said nothing. It was noticeable in the Luton v Villa (hahaha) game last night.

Limited sample size, I know. Has anyone else picked up on a difference in player behaviour?

I really, really hope that this continues into the PL this weekend!
A&H International
We are in the honeymoon period for introduction of this 'rule'. You should expect nothing but good times. I reserve my opinion for its impact when we get closer to the end of the season.
Where can the official document be found? Where's the new approach mandated?
It will only take one live televised Premier League game, where the referee adopts a zero tolerance policy and the media and pundits will be in meltdown how "referees are destroying the game" and "They are obliged to keep it 11v11" blah blah blah!!! :confused:
It will only take one live televised Premier League game, where the referee adopts a zero tolerance policy and the media and pundits will be in meltdown how "referees are destroying the game" and "They are obliged to keep it 11v11" blah blah blah!!! :confused:
I have no doubt.
The funny thing is, from watching every other sport in existence, a zero tolerance policy on dissent actually benefits the game in just about every possible way - and actually makes the game less about the referee, not more.
Thanks Peter. I've heard so much about the new approach etc but not actually seen any official documentation yet. I'm not sure how they can expect referees of all levels to be singing of the same hymn sheet when said sheet isn't openly available.
Are we at grassroots game supposed to be following premier league or is it assumed we are already doing this.
No instructions given to us but who will still be going through stepped approach and who will be going for the near zero tolerance that the professional game is adopting ?
I did hear part of managers prematch teamtalk in game I did in the week and he told his players 'don't get in the ref's face it is an automatic yellow card now' - It does seem they are expecting us to stamp on dissent.
Nice job from Kevin Friend in his Stoke game today. Two straightforward yellows for dissent ... one to Shay Given for running 30 yards out of his goal to protest a decision and one for Arnautavich for getting in his face because no card was given to a player who had fouled him. Good start to the 'new' guidelines
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Are we at grassroots game supposed to be following premier league or is it assumed we are already doing this.
No instructions given to us but who will still be going through stepped approach and who will be going for the near zero tolerance that the professional game is adopting ?
I did hear part of managers prematch teamtalk in game I did in the week and he told his players 'don't get in the ref's face it is an automatic yellow card now' - It does seem they are expecting us to stamp on dissent.

I'm following the same path as the top refs. Two yellows yesterday for dissent after I'd spoken to both captains prior to the game warning them of my zero tolerance. After the second caution, not a peep out of the players. In fact, both teams were encouraging their players to accept the decisions when they were made.

All I am hoping is that my colleagues here in Cornwall have some continuity and follow the same approach. I work closely with the Cornwall FA, we have been on "behaviour roadshows" with all the clubs and referees (that can be bother to attend) and told the referees to follow the example being set by the Premier League. The clubs have been warned, the referees ( that again bothered to turn up) have been briefed... We just need continuity and consistency now.
Nice job from Kevin Friend in his Stoke game today. Two straightforward yellows for dissent ... one to Shay Given for running 30 yards out of his goal to protest a decision and one for Arnautavich for getting in his face because no card was given to a player who had fouled him. Good start to the 'new' guidelines

If you still have access to the game, watch Ramirez when Friend gives the "delayed" free kick for Stoke's goal. He starts the usual arm-waving but remembers before he gets there and turns away. Really hope the refs keep it up and make it stick.
It will only take one live televised Premier League game, where the referee adopts a zero tolerance policy and the media and pundits will be in meltdown how "referees are destroying the game" and "They are obliged to keep it 11v11" blah blah blah!!! :confused:
I have no doubt.
The funny thing is, from watching every other sport in existence, a zero tolerance policy on dissent actually benefits the game in just about every possible way - and actually makes the game less about the referee, not more.
Thanks Peter. I've heard so much about the new approach etc but not actually seen any official documentation yet. I'm not sure how they can expect referees of all levels to be singing of the same hymn sheet when said sheet isn't openly available.
The thing is, I'm not sure this really needs much official documentation. As far as I'm concerned, this is just the PGMOL refs being told (or allowed) to start doing what they should have been doing for years. I've seen so many articles in the media where this is being described as a new laws change when it is nothing more than a recommendation that a bunch of refs who were pretty much ignoring almost all instances of dissent and OFFINABUS aimed at officials, should finally start to apply the Laws as they are written, and have been for many years.
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remeber the only people who can help referees deal with dissent is referees, as i always tell our young referees, we dont give you nice shiney coloured cards, just to keep in your pocket, our choice to deal with it or be last weeks referee