Getting Fixtures


Everyone's Favourite Member
Evening gents,

Basically situation is that the Saturday league that I ref on are taking the michael out of me basically and I'm not getting anywhere near the amount of games I expected or want. I'm throwing away the opportunity to make plans with my saturdays or return to my old stewarding job, just for the odd game here and there.

I need regular saturday games and I'm thinking the best way to get them might be to contact clubs directly? Does anyone have experience doing this, and does anyone have opinions on the morality/fairness of doing this?

A&H International
I would say look for other leagues if possible and contact your local RA as they should be able to point you in the right direction.

You can contact clubs directly, and I'm sure they'll be over the moon to hear from you. The only issue is you may find yourself having to turn down quite a few games and don't be surprised if they soon stop contacting you. Also if they ref secretary for the league finds out he might not be pleased as in my experience they don't tend to like refs doing that for various reasons.
I have been very lucky, however on Saturdays I combine my month doing 2 middles on the Kingston and District and 2 as assistant on the Combined Counties which I think is superb as I gain so much experience. I literally give my referee secretary a heads up of my Combined Counties appointments and I am pencilled in for the other dates. My referee secretary is happy I am doing my assistant appointments for experience (he is part of my society and its all about progression / experience).
ELP , what area are you based ? can you drive? what league wont give you games ?
PM me if you would rather not divulge this info !!
Do not contact clubs directly is my advice. They are part of leagues. The leagues have referee appointment secretaries, don't want to star annoying people etc...

There will be other leagues around your area, so do look around. Alternatively, speak to your local RA and RDO for support and advice.