Open Age Game control advice please

Craig Evans

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi, I'm after a little advice on how to stamp some authority when I'm reffing a game. I'm a 25 yr old level 7 referee and currently in my first full season in adult football. I'm very quiet, mild mannered & if I were any more laid back I'd be horizontal!

However, I've started to notice its extremely tough to gain respect and authority from the players. Being younger I feel that I look inexperienced and I think players try to push their luck with me more than they would if I were a 45 yr old! It's not always dissent but alot of sly remarks here and there.

I'm asking for advice on how can I sell my decisions more? Is there any certain phrases that's good to use vocally during gameplay etc.. I do try to let the game flow and use alot of common sense. I've read the forums on here and alot of people use their pre-match discussion with the captains to assert their authority but how many captains actually relay that message to their players!? Here is my normal pre-match message:
"Good afternoon. right, I'll tell you the same thing I tell every captain, the way I'll ref this game is decided by you and your players; if it's clean, tidy and well mannered then I'll keep it flowing however, if its nitty gritty, dirty and tempers flare then I'll slow it down and pull up play for every little infringement. I won't tell you how to play football, so I appreciate not being told how to referee. As captains I need to be hearing you controlling your players if they get on my back, you know your players more than I do, get to them before I do. Thank and enjoy the game."

Is this too much, too little?

A&H International
Sounds ok to me. Personally I wouldn;t use words like 'clean' or 'dirty', or nitty gritty etc as different people have different ideas on what you are expecting. My slant on that is to say "As long as you are playing football, I won't need to referee and I can let the game flow which is what we all want"
Hi Craig,

Firstly welcome to Refchat I hope you enjoy your time here.

You sound a lot like me last season, I started off not being very confident etc. One thing I can suggest which helped me significantly to be more vocal was saying things like red corner, yellow throw whilst doing the arm signals. Body language will say more to the players than words alone so make bold signals and be confident in your decisions.

Tell the players why your giving a foul eg push in the back from blue 6. I think the rest will come with experience.

Good luck in your future games and let us know how you get on.
Good loud whistle, and strong positive arm movements for throws, corners, kicks etc. talk to them, I know your not gonna be mates or anything, but things like good tackle etc. good luck mate
I'm young, and the best tip I can give to you is get the older guy on side. Usually the centre half! Have a chat with him during your warm up, and keep talking during the game. Usually, in lower games, the older players have more say and control than anyone!