The Ref Stop


The Ref Stop
Having used these for the first time on the weekend, they are horrible. Flags are not well ergonomically designed!

Still, up to you mate. :)
I've never had problems with them when I've used them. Nowhere near as good as Touchlines but don't want to pay £400+ for them haha
Yes. A lot of referee's don't take the plunge until level 4 / 3 +

Consider the amount of games you will get with NARs you will get at level 6 and 5. Will they be used to using buzzers. Might be their first line, or they might do it so infrequent that they've never used buzzers before.
Horrible to use. And even if youre in the middle, as assistnat I thought the ref was punishing me before we started.

Problem at lower levels is that you may be allowed / encouraged or just like the idea of them, but most of your assistants wont know how to use them - which just confses you even more (if you are waiting the buzz, or contantly bussing becomes distracting)

How will people cope with flagging, getting the law correct, buzzing (was it one or two he wanted) when they cant cope with (2) watches (;))
Having used the Refscall, Ervocom and the Touchline flags, my money is firmly with the Touchlines. Literally, as I bought a set.

They are now in their third season and working flawlessly.


* Configurable beep, beep 'n' buzz, or just buzz.
* Each flag has its own signature.
* Low battery warning (Both 'one more game' and 'CHANGE THE BATTERY NOW!')
* Changing the battery takes 10 seconds (no screwdriver needed)
* Battery lasts a very long time!
Or in the middle of the price range is signal bip, they are great flag IMO, fairly cheap compared to others and are rechargeable now, plus the flags are very nice. Best buzzer flags IMO by far
Just been bought a set of parents as a present the 2015 premier league type ones and they are using touchline flags, and don't feel any different to my non buzzer touchlines that I've been using. The receiver unit is pants though. But a £2.99 neoprene MP3 player pouch works great.