Open Age First game this weekend


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I have my first game this weekend (Sunday) which is open age. It's a division 7 fixture but looking at previous results of both teams it won't be a 0-0!

I've checked in with the home team so it's all go. I'm looking forward to using my Spintso watch!

Any words of advice are most welcome on such a momentous occasion!
A&H International
Words of advice......... Yeah ive got some. Enjoy it!! :D
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I will be mr practical/sensible:

Make sure to warm up and warm down properly!

Do not skimp on the warm down stretches!
Mike's point, although perhaps obvious, is so important! My first game was during a tournament, decent crowd for a 15's match, being assessed, done all the prep, blew the whistle…and forgot to start the watch. As it was a tournament there was no specific KO time so I literally guessed when twenty minutes was up. It was picked up by both managers and the assessor :rolleyes: I was only over by four minutes but it could have been worse. Apart from that, good luck. You obviously know the rules well to have passed the exam so just enjoy it and try put everything you've learned into practice! Let us know how you get on David :)
Many thanks. I will do Mike and Miky I will you let you know.
I qualified and did my first game two weeks ago now. (Got my 5th game this weekend) like others have said just go out there and enjoy it!

First of all good luck and best wishes...

It is just a football match - 11 v 11. But remember anything can happen, so be focused 100%.

Oh, and one more thing. Have fun! ;)
Afternoon colleagues,

Today I refereed my first game. The game was between Yellow v Blue. It was a little windy but no rain. The Blue had no one to do the line so I essentially had 1 AR. I advised the captain of blue as they had no AR it would be difficult for throw ins (I.e seeing if ball is out) and offsides I will do the best I could. He accepted that. The game started quickly with Yellow taking the lead only for Blue to score 5 minutes later with a worldy strike. The GK came out and clear it and the Blue struck it from distance in the top bins.

Literally 30 seconds later Yellow go 2-1 up due to a 'defensive error'. Now here comes my first big decision. Blue player gets into the box from the left, Yellow dives in to tackle, misses. PENALTY! No one really complained as it was pretty clear cut. I considered a caution but it was careless and the game didn't need it. I was quite lucky as the teams respected each other well I thought. Blue take the kick, GK saves pushes the ball onto the bar, GK gets up and somehow pushes the ball into the goal! 2-2.

There were a few niggles between players but was nothing. I had a little incident where the ball was kicked (accidently) into the face of an opponent, which obviously stung, I didn't stop play, it's not a 'serious' head injury. I had a couple of players attempt to get play stopped as other team broke away by saying its a head injury. The player was up within a minute abiet his eyes were streaming. In my opinion the ball just stung him, if he was knocked clean out by a thunderbolt I obviously would have stopped play.

Still time for 2 more goals in the first half. The half finishes 3-3.

The second half was well contested. I had a few incidents of opposition players saying the ball was out, but due to no AR unless I can see the ball is out or a player is honest, it is play on. I had one gentleman who said 'ref it's a country mile out' my response it's a country mile out if you are standing on the touchline but from my position it looked in play. If you had an AR it could help you.

As above I had an incident with all players stopping, a player stops the ball on the goal line left of the goal to keep it in, from my position 15-20 yards away looked like it was stopped on line, no over the goal line. It doesn't look out to me so I do nothing, the penny dropped for the players that I wasn't blowing the whistle. Ends up a corner. I had a few whinges to which I advised please play to the whistle.

2 minutes to go, Yellows are pushing for a winner. Yellow take corner kick, ball drops inside 6 yard box, the ball rebounds off about 3-4 players, defender kicked ball against his team mate and it rebounds into the goal. I jog to half way line and make a note in my book, I turn around the defending GK has run 40 yards to complain to say he was obstructed. He wasn't swearing or threatening, he was saying he was obstructed. I saw no obstruction (to be fair I had no idea what he was talking about). I advised no, is a goal. I considered a caution for dissent just because he ran so far to talk to me, but he wasn't swearing at me, after I said goal, he retreated, it was the 90th min. A caution was required, although played on my mind after.

In stoppage time Yellow got a corner (decide to slow game down) 3 Yellow players taking the corner, one wants 10 yards, I jog over to order Blue back, Yellow decides to take corner quickly despite seeing me run over, comes off Blue for a throw, I award a throw, I advised you had the opportunity to have 10 but Yellow player decided to take kick. After that only 30 seconds left, ended 4-3 to Yellow. I believe in hindsight possibly incorrect.

I thought I did okay for my first game. I am hopeful what I learnt from today will help me in the next game.
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Sounds like it went pretty well then, looks like you were pretty sensible in not digging into your pocket. I'd always be inclined to stop the game if there's any sort of head injury if the player goes down and stays down. Your six games will be over in no time, then it's the wait for your RDO to sort out a Mod 5 course, sent my form off in August and he emailed to say he had the form, but still no word of when it will be!
Well done and congrats on the first of many games.

Sounds like you had a good game only things I'd possibly say (bear in mind I've only been doing this since early this year) are: Head injuries, any time a player is down with any kind head injury I'll stop play. Better safe than sorry. Also re the keeper running that distance to question you. Its clear dissent in my book and he'd have got a yellow from me for his effort.

Like I say congrats and enjoy putting what you've been taught into practice and learning in each game you do.
I would politely disagree with my colleagues above. A straight smack in the face with the ball is as you agreed, not a head injury. It stings, and unless it is a powerful strike which potentially knocks them unconscious, then man up! Other head injuries where you are not sure, stop the game.

However good that game felt, as you keep learning and getting better as a referee it gets x10 better. Good start mate.
I think the head injury is a 'have to see it to judge it' kind of thing. As a player I've been hit by fairly innocuous looking balls, that have knocked me dizzy.

With contact like that, it's not necessarily the contact that causes the damage, but rather the way the head moves, or is moved. Like a medic once told me, it's not the smack that does it, but the way the brain rattles inside the skull. Not to mention the chance of spinal injury if the head moves suddenly in relation to the neck.

So, I tend to be more cautious when it comes to heads than perhaps others are, particularly after one game where there was a collision between out-rushing GK and forward. Forward is a little dazed, a bit groggy, but it was a RoRo sub game, so off he went. Came back on after ten minutes, looked fine, played well, scored the winner.

I get in, take a shower, come outside to call the missus and there's and ambulance parked - out comes this player on a gurney, completely out of it and talking gibberish and off he goes - lights and sirens.

Turns out, the lad announced he was seeing double and promptly collapsed in a heap on the dressing floor. He was in for just over a week I believe, before docs released him. Six weeks stand-down from sports before being cleared to play again.

If I don't feel it's a serious one, I let play go for a few seconds and keep an eye on the player who got hit, gives the players time to decide whether to put it out or not before I have to make the decision.

As for your GK coming half the length of pitch, I would say that yes, in Law it's a booking. You say he wasn't swearing, which would be a red for OFFINABUS, but still it should have been yellow. However, like you I try and read the spirit of each game, remembering that this had been a bit of humdinger at 3-3, and the guy had just conceded the fourth, how would I have felt?

It sounds like it was a pretty fair game, in a good spirit and perhaps a yellow wasn't required, but it can be a tough call sometimes.
As a 1st aider myself and being brought up in that world (my did 1st aid for 15+ years at school) I am fully aware of the dangers of head injuries. I don't care what age group if a player gets any kind of head injury and they go down I'm stopping play. I would rather stop play and take the abuse of players, than be questioned by the RDO or worse the old bill if something serious happened to him about why I didn't stop play.

In the long run the player and manager will thank you for stopping play to check on him. Apart for the LoTG you are there for the players SAFTEY.
They way you have critiqued your own game is a great sign. You recognised that you might have booked the keeper and might have stopped the game for the potential head injury, but sounds to me like a fine start; well done. Purely for the record; I would have acted on both incidents but its all about opinions. On the issue of lack of assistants; if a club cant be arsed to provide even a clueless assistant then you are quite correct to take a harsh line with them. They haven't got an assistant but want you to adjust your position to help them out at that end of the field or by taking up a slightly different position to monitor throw-ins? Bugger off. That's their problem. Just be firm and polite and do as you did; "a country mile out you say fella? Excellent, here's the flag, could you signal the next one for me please?"
I did my first adult game today as an appointed league official. It finished 4-3 to the home team and there were no major incidents for me to discuss. I didn't issue any cautions at all.

I try to play the advantage as much as possible as there's nothing worse than a jiggly stop-start game. A couple of times the away side moaned that there was no advantage, when I felt there absolutely was. I was vindicated late on when I played advantage for a trip outside the box and the resulting shot went straight in the top corner.

Points to note - it's really hard to tell if the ball has crossed the goal line.
Advantage is an interesting one. Just keeping the ball is not advantage and if a team is moaning, you need to have a look at what you are allowing and what areas of the pitch you allow advantage.

Grab the referee world pod cast which talks about it in depth. Really changed my opinion on how to apply advantage. I was of the same view as you, allow the game to flow where you can but sooner or later it will cause you problems. And assessors started commenting on what I was doing.

Good start though. Keep it up mate.
The one that was moaned about was where the guy who was impeded was about 30 yards out, centre of goal. The ball ran to one of the strikers who had a 2 on 2 situation about 20 yards out and he had a shot at goal. I felt that was clearly an advantage.
I have just listened to the podcast, and I have this question:

At one stage they talk about judging advantage based on the characteristics of the attacking team, for example having a great free kick taker or some big centre backs.

I have always been under the impression that it's not the referee's job to decide based on these factors.