First adult game last week...my thoughts

Mike Spice

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Had a pre-season friendly last Thursday evening, boy it was tough.
  • Do players really moan / disagree with almost every decision?!
  • My goodness, offside is difficult to call - any tips? Players calling for it all the while (Blues playing an offside trap)
  • Had several players consistently moaning to me / about me, had a few words but no cards seeing this was a friendly
  • Good lot of handshakes after
  • Good feedback from one Manager (I know him, he arranged the reefing for me) who feedback I needed to blow earlier and get fitter! Didn't see to be too bothered about the offside.
A&H International
All sounds about right! Have done three now and the easiest was the highest standard one. Save that they constantly played long balls so was chasing after the ball a lot!
points 1-4 absolutely !!!

I do slightly disagree about the almost every decision though, i would say EVERY decision, i just end up chuckling to myself when i hear the stupid shouts from players that are 70 yards away!! Just smile and agree with them and keep to your original decision
Welcome to open age football. :) ( and the forum)

Players will question everything, even the most blatant things. Try not to engage in too much dialogue about it. Give the free kick and get into position, unless of course a caution/rollocking is needed.
thanks for replies. I did have a gobby player who kept asking me to "have a word" so I said I'll have a word with You! "I decide who I talk to, not you, get on with your game" Despite it being a reserve friendly he refused to shake my hand after which I thought rather pathetic.
Game on Thursday, it seemed like every time the ball was kicked the kicker would shout an expletive
It's already been said but the higher you go the easier to manage the game is. At the bottom they want everything until you give everything then they moan because you keep blowing.
If you have one player in particular that's the moaner, get the captain on board and offer a caution if he doesn't get off your back. Then follow through. Friendly or otherwise.
There is no such thing as a friendly football match. Even preseason :D welcome to OA football! Before some advice on dealing with moaning players, ask yourself one question: am I doing anything which is encouraging moaning? Fitness levels, lack of confidence, inconsistency in decision making, allowing key moaners to get away with it without intervention, can all increase the moans and dissent.

That said - Players do and will moan, although there are a couple of ways to counter this. As Ross said, give the decision and run to next position. Don't hang around to get dissent thrown at you. Nice and simple.

Secondly. When you give a decision you need to be seen as in a credible position - being fitter and mobile helps, but when an incident occurs you need to get to the spot of the incident as your blowing the whistle. Little sprint to get there and the moaners will turn and say "oh that was never a ... Oh you are right behind me... Nevermind".

Couple of other things to work on. The Collina stare and and/or the unnerving smile! Having one or both in the toolbox is good as both used properly will shut up a potentially dissenting player. I am a big fan of the stare, smile plus finger to lips motion - works a charm.

Finally, give it time,with the above tips and experience you learn to start filtering out the moaning.

Just don't become the referee that relies heavily on cards to deal with players. Cards have their place, don't get me wrong - but learning to pre-emptively manage players effectively is the sign of a good referee.
How fare for instance should I generally be away from play? Even throw-ins were questioned. 10 yards? 15?

I struggled with offside though, not being level with the line. Should I be? How can you tell unless it's really obvious?

The Manager has asked me back for Saturday which is a good sign - and it really is a practice match against some previous players, it's an annual friendly. Apparently.

Great article on positioning.

Offside for a lone referee is a nightmare. A lot of the time you are working with balance of probability as you cannot know for certain if it's offside or not without having a neutral on the line. Try and have an angle and anticipate the pass where you can to get a snap shot of where players are before the through pass. Sell your decisions with confidence (nice blast of the whistle, arm nice and straight up, get to your next position) and hope for the best!

:D Stop thinking "friendly" for these games - no such thing. Players and ex players getting on the pitch, even if they are usually friends, doesn't mean they are going to behave like it during the game! Hopefully they will all behave, but you never know!

Just remember your there to do a job, enjoy it and keep a nice big smile on your face. Helps a lot.
I honestly don't see how a lone referee can ever give an offside call. Locally we allow CARs to "help" but maintain the final say.
If the players are even trying it on arguing about throws that is all they are doing. They've clocked that you are new and are deliberately putting pressure on you. I know I did it as a player.
ive found from reffing youth football to open age, the moaing goes from the side lines to on the pitch! basically..at a younger age you find its the parents moaning (trust me, i use to chuckle to myself thinking that these are 11/12 year olds? really?!) and then as you go to open age, everybody moans! they moan if you dont give it, they moan if you do give it blah blah blah!

my usual comment is regarding the use of my glasses! 'go to specsavers ref!' - the last pre-season i done i sent a player off for it...in all fairness though i did offer a yellow if he could come up with an original line regarding my glasses and seeing the incidents - alas, he couldnt....RED! (he did come over after the match, shake my hand whilst laughing and let me know he'd now think twice about abusing the ref verbally)

i try to make it as fun as i can, not only so i enjoy it more, but at the end of the game the players realise your not such a '****er in black' your just another passionate football fan that wants to get involved!