Junior/Youth First Abandoned game - serious injury


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi guys

Had my first abandonment today due to a broken leg. U16s game both players went for a comitted tackle i was only about 5-6 yards away.

Away player screems immedietly and shouts he thought his leg was broken. I blew immediately and called for medical assistance.

A parent came onto the pitch with a few others and both coaches start giving medical assistance, one parent was a paramedic thankfully and it looks as though the lad has broken his leg.

I asked the players to go back into their own half and give some space to give medical attention and an ambulance was called.

They managed to get the lad warm with coats and got him onto a stretcher and moved him inside the club house where it was warm

After about 30-40 mins of hanging around watching the medical assistance the coaches ask what happens next and its was quite quickly agreed to abandon.

I left around an hour after the incident occurred as they were waiting for the ambulance which could have been another 40 minutes. I didn't request my match fee from the home club given the circumstances.

I feel awful for the poor lad just trying to write my report to the FA.

Is there anything ive forgot to do?
A&H International
Sounds like you covered most things. If the force of the tackle was sufficient to break a player's leg, was excessive force used in the challenge?
Have just edited my post to cover a few more things.

Brian - it was one of those tackles where both players went in hard and committed, I'm not really sure it was excessive force by either player.
One minor thing, after the game was abandoned and had spoken to both teams (about 50 minutes after the incident occurred) I spoke to both coaches to thank them then left as they had both coaches and a parent who was a qualified paramedic to wait for the ambulance as this may have taken another 40 minutes to arrive as it was not categorised as serious.
I didn't speak to the home coach about my match fee due to the circumstances of them assisting with the other teams injured player.

Should I have waited until the ambulance arrived?
Once the match is abandoned, your work is done. Change get your fee and off you go.
I had to abandon a game in similar circumstances last year. Reflecting on that incident I would offer the follwoing comments ...

1, Discuss with both teams at an early stage and advise/confirm whether you are looking to continue the match after the injured player has been dealt with. Be sensitive to the injury, opinions of both teams and the age of the players when deciding on whether to continue.
2, If you choose to continue but a delay is inevitable state a time at which you will review the situation and decide further.
3, Keep an eye on what the teams are up to when the play is stopped. In my game there was no issue but had the injury resulted from foul play there might be a potential for confrontation.
4, Once you've made your decision stand by it.
5, Remember to issue a report on the reasons for the abandonment if required by the local league.

Also be aware of any local league or competition rules regarding abandonments. One league in my area used to have a very firm rule that no games were to be abandoned for injury. On more than one occassion this resulted in games restarting only to be abandoned 10-15 minutes later due to lack of light!
Once the match is abandoned, your work is done. Change get your fee and off you go.

Yes but....... I had a player (U12) knocked out once and as I was closest to incident & most calm adult there!, paramedics were asking me how injury occurred, how long he was out for etc

If you are closest to an incident, likely medical staff will value your view of circumstances of the injury when they arrive.