Far too many poor refereeing decisions this weekend


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Much clamour for the use of video technology after the mistakes that were made. The WBA sending off, the penalty awarded to Crystal Palace, and the foul on the defender in the West Ham game that led to the goal.
Seems to me that the game is going to have to accept that referees will make mistakes or introduce the use of replays.
A&H International
Seems to me that the game is going to have to accept that referees will make mistakes or introduce the use of replays.
So in other words, the game is going to be the same as it always was.
I honestly don't understand either why people get so caught up on referee errors, or on the use of video replay. We've had decades of the former: while you can improve performances, you cannot get every decision in every game right. We've also had a few years of the latter: it does absolute wonders for the top-level game, to the point where dissent is nonexistent compared to a decade ago, and things can be fixed on the spot instead of torn to shreds by anybody with access to a magic box.
Just one of those things, I guess. Look at how long it took FIFA to approve goal-line technology, and how quickly it was implemented once they did, and how many times it actually has made the difference.
Far too many poor playing decisions this weekend.

Jones bulldozer.
Gerrard stamp.
Can barge.
Rooney penalty (always goes the same way, easy to stop)
Skrtel stamp.

And that's just in one game. Shocker! They should all be demoted - see how a week in League 2 sorts them out. It's what they deserve. They're supposed to be professional, so how can they get away with such terrible errors :eek:
Far too many poor playing decisions this weekend.

Jones bulldozer.
Gerrard stamp.
Can barge.
Rooney penalty (always goes the same way, easy to stop)
Skrtel stamp.

And that's just in one game. Shocker! They should all be demoted - see how a week in League 2 sorts them out. It's what they deserve. They're supposed to be professional, so how can they get away with such terrible errors :eek:
I was starting to panic and then realised this is nonsense.
Until such a time comes that players (often on obscene wages) make ZERO mistakes then people should just accept that referees will never get things right 100% of the time. On Saturday, I saw Nahki Wells TWICE fail to beat the keeper from 12 yards, I mean, how hard can it be?? ;-)
And when was the last time you saw a referee trying to con a player into making a wrong decision or running up to a player and shouting or swearing at them when they miss an easy chance or score an own goal ?
I look at some of the major blunders in the Hyundai A-League (not hard to find, really) and often I find myself wondering - what on earth are radio comms used for, if they're not helping to prevent some of these?