Fans calling talksport


The avuncular one
okay, more heard than seen.

Listening to talk sports call collymore yesterday and every caller rang to moan about how the referee was poor, had given their team nothing, how they had been robbed.

The response "referees are getting worse, hey are spoiling football"

It's a sad state of affairs.
A&H International
Sadly SM, this is the inevitable result of;
A) Managers who don't want to publicly criticise player failings. Similarly, they won't praise the opposition for being better than them. The solution? Blame the ref!
B) TV coverage ( started by Sky but adopted by the others) which HAS to have controversy in order to justify the hype.

As a result, the perception is that the officials are frequently wrong. This is now ingrained in the football mindset and explains much of the dissent and other rubbish we get at grassroots level.
I went to a game yesterday and paid £42 to watch a professional match. The referee had a good game. His positioning was a little off on a couple of occasions as he got struck by the ball twice. He also missed an opportunity to play a great advantage but apologised to the players immediately and they accepted it.

Now the annoying thing was a man with a smarmy, smug "soccer dad" voice bemoaning another advantage not being played. The player retained possession 45 yards from goal, crammed against the touchline with at least 3 defenders in close proximity and my first thought was give the free kick. I turned to this bloke and tried to explain why it was better for our team to get the free kick. I told him that some of the things he was saying were frankly hilarious and ill-informed, but I wanted to explain. He just said .. I stopped listening to you about 8 seconds ago ...I was having a private conversation (he was shouting at the referee) with my friend and you interrupted, please don't.

He then said absolutely nothing for 20 minutes and then made another smug comment. I wanted to say something again but then thought why should I help you understand this game better? This is just what would happen if they had a referee explain a decision after the game, he would just be shouted down. While SKY/BT/alltheothers broadcast drivel by people who have a vested interest in controversy being created in the game to make their newspapers sell and people sign up for their channels, it will not change.

This does kind of highlight a massive issue in football. Man in the street thinks he knows the game.

Man in the street knows bog all.

I knew bog all, despite playing the game. I did the ref course, first days learnt one thing: I knew f*ck all

Football needs to be taught in school. 17 laws, should have an exam at the end.


Might help
Being the sport of choice of the lower socio-economic group makes it the sport of choice of the least intelligent (on average) segment of society.
Add to that the general falling of societies standards, the inability to accept any type of authority figure and Yacob of West Brom telling the referee to "f*** off" 3 times yesterday in full view of millions and you have the current environment.
Brian, you gave this guy far too much credit. He wanted a nice day out shouting utter b*ll*cks at a referee, not to be bombarded with logic and reasoned arguement!
...the inability to accept any type of authority figure and Yacob of West Brom telling the referee to "f*** off" 3 times yesterday in full view of millions and you have the current environment.
Why do PL referees allow this, I have seen Rooney do the same.
Are they requested by Sky not to send off players for OFFINABUS as it spoils the image of their product or something?
This does kind of highlight a massive issue in football. Man in the street thinks he knows the game.

Man in the street knows bog all.

I knew bog all, despite playing the game. I did the ref course, first days learnt one thing: I knew f*ck all

Football needs to be taught in school. 17 laws, should have an exam at the end.


Might help

GCSE/A Level football. It's the way forward.
Being the sport of choice of the lower socio-economic group makes it the sport of choice of the least intelligent (on average) segment of society.
Add to that the general falling of societies standards, the inability to accept any type of authority figure and Yacob of West Brom telling the referee to "f*** off" 3 times yesterday in full view of millions and you have the current environment.
Brian, you gave this guy far too much credit. He wanted a nice day out shouting utter b*ll*cks at a referee, not to be bombarded with logic and reasoned arguement!
This guy was no C1-E type, I expect from his clothes and his mannerisms that he earns a fair amount. I heard him bemoaning the amount he has to pay in school fees. He was just annoying.
As I stated after a charity match yesterday (yes, believe it or not some 'supporters' still manage to have a moan at a friendly charity match!!)

there is no such thing as a bad referee ... just an easy excuse for the loosing team
When people moan about referees to me I always say that all referees are terrible and our aim in every game is to be slightly less terrible than the week before.