The Ref Stop

Excessive Celebrations


Serial whistler
Level 7 Referee
Does anyone know why, at least in England, Excessive Celebration is counted as C1 Unsporting Behaviour as opposed to coming under C4 Delaying the Restart? Because whilst I know sometimes it is USB, a lot of the time it is just excessively long.
The Ref Stop
I believe there is a direct subcode under C1 of GC (Goal Celebration). Easier to use the code that explicitly says the issue rather than one that is technically true but is used in other areas of the game more frequently imo.
It's quite sad the way players celebrate every goal at every level by running to a corner flag, thereby delaying the restart as much as possible (unless they're losing of course). They've all been watching too much tele, as if they've got adoring fans in that corner when the vast majority are celebrating in front of hardly anyone. Gets on my nerves
It's quite sad the way players celebrate every goal at every level by running to a corner flag, thereby delaying the restart as much as possible (unless they're losing of course). They've all been watching too much tele, as if they've got adoring fans in that corner when the vast majority are celebrating in front of hardly anyone. Gets on my nerves
Grump. Let them have their two minutes of enjoyment. It's the highlight of their week . :D