Exam [Passed]


New Member
Hi again,
So yeah I've passed my referee exam I am now a Referee :D
Just wondering if anyone has any tips for my first games?
And something is getting me nervous, is the business about substitutions?
Do i need A list of the subs before a match at lower ages with roll on roll off?
And what do i need before a game and what do I need to write down?

thanks :)
A&H International
Congrats Peter, welcome to the life of a ref!

It depends on league rules. In general, no, as they're rolling subs. But, as I say, check league rules.msome leagues like to have a record of who started on bench.
Welcome Pete.

Def check league rules. You should have a mentor for 1st few games - check with him/her.
If roll on/off then maybe not if 3 from 5 then def keep a note.
also keep a note if cup game as only players on FOP after extra time can tAke pens

Oh welcome to the crazy by great world of being a ref
Our juniors and the lower league seniors have rolling subs.For the juniors, we don't record anything, just make sure there is only ever one-off for one-on and number of players on the pitch.

The seniors have to hand us the team card pre-match, which shows who is starting, and who is on the bench, but beyond that we don't need to record who comes on/goes off.

The thing to watch out for, is the time-wasting though. Managers who run subs for no reason other than running down the clock. I once had a coach make 7 or 8 subs in the last ten minutes of a game. After the first few I had a quiet word.

Also, try ot ensure they follow the ruloes for the sub - at half way line etc. Some can be a bit lax in that department, and subs can happen without you even noticing because they think 'it's only rolling subs'.
Congratulations!!! Now the real learning begins. Best of luck with it