Europa League final

A&H International
The more angles I see of the airport incident the more frustrating it becomes.

This starts with the manager, the face of the club, confronting him in the car park. This starts with team officials sprinting and screaming at any person with a Match Official badge on their kit. It starts with the players.

What will happen? €5000 fine and a 1 match touchline ban, or something pathetic.

Genuinely disgraceful that humans act like this over 22 people kicking a ball. Let’s hope UEFA break their weak sanctions narrative
Something will happen in football which leads to change. Shame we have to wait for that 'something' to happen
That something will have to threaten the game financially in some way or another

At the moment, these antics arguably add to the overall Commercial attraction of the game, so there's no meaningful deterrent.
But it's a fine line and it will be crossed sooner or later... I'd say quite soon
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Enough is enough now. That behaviour was caused directly by what Mourinho did during and after the game, he has to be held accountable.

Can you imagine how distressful that is for Anthony and his family at the airport? UEFA have a lot of questions to answer as they have abjectly failed Anthony and his family.
Can you imagine how distressful that is for Anthony and his family at the airport? UEFA have a lot of questions to answer as they have abjectly failed Anthony and his family.
Shocked he wasn’t provided with more security than what we could see. Absolutely disgraceful. People on twitter supporting it on mass, it’s madness. Absolute madness. You allow the manager (the face of a club) to act the way he did yesterday, and this behaviour becomes further engrained into the game
Does not help when you see our media posting clips proclaiming Jose behaviour on the touchline as entertaining because it's Jose Mourinho. The act is well past its sell by date but it gets clicks so it's just encouraged even more.

I hope the narrative changes after all this and if Roma faces an English side in Europe next season, we hear very little about Jose.
Have to say that I think the majority of people have been supportive of AT. But more big names such as Lineker, other managers, players is needed.

AT and his wife will be fine but his daughter looked petrified. Absolute scumbag thugs. Woeful organisation by UEFA
the Jose incident in the car park … repeat serious offences toward a match official = point deduction anyone? Oh no wait, only grassroots needs that :wall:
I have a feeling that UEFA is going to have to punish Mourinho - think English FA and PGMOL will be insisting…
I have a feeling that UEFA is going to have to punish Mourinho - think English FA and PGMOL will be insisting…
I don't think there is any question. AT will likely submit a misconduct report for it so he will be charged I would expect, irrespective of what happened at the airport.

As for holding JM responsible for the conduct of fans, whilst we can all draw the connection, it wouldn't stand up in a disciplinary case.
I don't think there is any question. AT will likely submit a misconduct report for it so he will be charged I would expect, irrespective of what happened at the airport.

As for holding JM responsible for the conduct of fans, whilst we can all draw the connection, it wouldn't stand up in a disciplinary case.

Absolutely agree - he didn't instigate violence - his comments were not helpful nor professional etc...

However UEFA also need to learn how to organise security and safety as 2nd time in two years they have ballsed up in some way!!
UEFA / FA / PGMOL etc.
They all come out and condemn the treatment towards AT
During and after the game, but also the Airport. But what UEFA / FA / PGMOL (and FIFA and so on) fail to recognize (or conveniently brush under the carpet), is that it's they who are ultimately responsible. It's they who effectively allow this behaviour; they reap what they sow. Football is so big now, that it has influence far beyond the game (Political, Societal and so on), so why should it be any surprise to see the antics during the game effectively repeated in the Airport? Because it's allowed and adds to the commercial interests and profile of the game. As I said earlier, this will only change when something happens that is damaging in these respects. And that thing will have to be very big (a bit like how stadium disasters were not a question of IF, but WHEN)
Not much will happen IMO.
All part of the theatre in the view of the authorities.
You are some piece of s**t to behave that way when a man has his little kid with him.
Absolute scumbags.