enjoyable day yesterday :)

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
two games yesterday, one OA , one U15
first game (OA) arrived at the village hall to find it buzzing... some kiddies training, and an U9s game going on, parents watching and generally good feel around the place. Got myself a cuppa from the refreshment hut, and went off to inspect pitch to find one of the players out there already clearing debris and dog's eggs
away team manager comes over to say hello and realise we know each other through mutual (but now deceased) mutual friend so we have a natter about that. Home team manager arrives ten minutes to KO, gives me subs names and match ball, which i turn and roll from the sideline with perfect weight virtually onto to centre mark ! which the players were seriously impressed with (i couldnt do it again if i tried :)).
bit of pre kick off banter with both teams and we kick off. theres a shout for handball which i say 'no' to and player kicks off about it... i wave my finger at him and say 'no no no, i'll do the reffing, you do the playing' and we move on. minute later he comes up to me and says ' wow, you shot me down early there !' and we all had a laugh about it, and he was good as gold after that. 4-2 away side win and everyone happy... they even toned the language down due to the presence of kids
so i moved on to the U15 game in a terrific frame of mind... (even in the knowledge that the last time U15 clarets played U15 reds there were 4 sendings off for VC and the two managers had very strong words with each other....) that also went without incident (depsite me over ruling the away team AR on 2 offside decisions as he was more interested in his flask of coffee than keeping up with play, which i politely told him so) but i wonder if i hadnt had the first game, would the second game have gone the way it did ... i'm sure my manner as i did all the pre match stuff at the U15 game was infectious
A&H International