Embarrassing, but not for me


Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
I was refereeing a second round schools national cup game.

With 4 minutes to go blue were leading 3-2 after being 3-0 up. Blue midfielder conceded a free kick after pushing a player in the back challenging for a header.

The teacher from blue then began to have a go at me, questioning if I knew what I was doing and finished by saying "the fact you're a student at this school makes it even worse" to clear that up I am a student at the school wearing green.

I was shocked that a teacher would begin verbally abusing an official in front of his own students!!

Anyone else had any experiences like this?
A&H International
I did a school's final a couple of seasons ago and the abuse I got from the PE teacher was a joke. It really shocked me that a teacher could act in that way.

You should ask him: Was you asking me to bend the rules because I'm are a student? Disgraceful sir, you really some know better! :)
I do quite a lot of school games and have never been on the receiving end of any abuse from the Teachers.

Generally it doesn't happen but may be speak to the head of PE and make him aware of this or failing that
the head!
The concerned teacher was sent a rarer forceful email the next day by our head of PE (runs the team that we're playing) and the teacher from the other school reluctantly "apologised" to me
I do a few school games, I've only really had one major problem that being a u15/16 (yr11) game and in the second half 2 mins in a player wearing blue swears at me then has the guts to go and swear at an opponent wearing gold 20 seconds after I told him to calm down, I was unsure on wether to send him off.
I was doing this game for my old school helping out bit of work experience. I then informed my RDO and he said you should of sent him off as it was a Shropshire Schools FA game, oh well we learn from our mistakes.

It was shocking that in a SCHOOL match of all the games to get sworn at, surprises me really how inconsiderate some teenagers/players really are.
At the age you mention (yr 11) I can understand the kids having a moan because they would playing for their club, I was just surprised that the teacher had the audacity to start questioning my authority ( despite him being old enough to be my dad)
Yeah but what stumped me was that the blues where at least 3-1 up at this point.
With the teachers at my game funnily enough I've had both before one in secondary (gold) and the blue one at VI Form, one for the team in blue plays in the West Mids Prem so he is a competitive player and coach he knew I ref so wasn't going to question anything.