Ah yes, missed that, but he is pretty much where I thought he would be. He's going to be very disappointed he hasn't seen that.The image in #13 shows the AR approaching the line, but not quite there.
Ah yes, missed that, but he is pretty much where I thought he would be. He's going to be very disappointed he hasn't seen that.The image in #13 shows the AR approaching the line, but not quite there.
Not that straight forward as the goal was scored almost immediately after the ball went out. If he wasn't sure and raised the flag, and it turned out the ball hadn't gone out, play would still have continued so the goal would still have been scored and would just have to be disallowed. It wasn't one that he could raise the flag and play would be stopped before the ball ended up in the net.I'm sure I will get pulled up for saying this, but I think if I wasn't sure, i'd rather give the ball out of play and face pelters if it was infact in.
People will get over a wrongly disallowed goal quicker than they will get over a goal from a ball out of play.
But of course is a damned if you do, damned if you don't.