Double throw in by Real Madrid!!

David McAlinden

Level 7 Referee

What is everyone's thoughts on the double throw in by Real Madrid last night.

It's unclear from the clip how the referee restarted the game, but Real Madrid regained possession, so guessing he allowed them to retake the throw in.

I wondered if anyone felt there should be an infringement and if so, how would they restart the game?

Many thanks
A&H International
If one throw was taken correctly, the other ball is outside interference. But at the same time as the restart, so retake the TI.
If neither throw was taken correctly, it's a handover IMO.
It won't be a problem in the leagues I ref in, most of the time they struggle to find one acceptable match all, never mind two....
In this instance,I believe it was a mistake so a simple retake is all that's needed in my opinion. Referee or AR could maybe of noticed a little sooner.
Sponsors and overlords/puppet masters of our beautiful game covertly experimenting with multi-ball? :D

Won't be long before this is a common occurrence!