Doncaster v bury 8/8/15.


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Good morning people, at last I have made the effort and joined the forum. At the start of last season our county RDO came to our society meeting to inform us of any rule changes etc.One of the incidents mentioned was the scenario which happened at Doncaster, where the ball was played back to the opposing goal keeper but the ball entered the net without the keeper making an attempt to stop the ball and the referee let the goal stand. We were told that that if this incident happens ,the goal should not be awarded and play restarted with a goal kick, to prevent the walk in goal scenario. Any thoughts guys . Thanks.
A&H International
Welcome to the forum mate. When you say ball played back to the keeper, how was it played back? What was going on at the time?
I was there so I have first hand knowledge of what happened.

It's added time at the end of the game - 3 minutes - and as it was announced the Bury centre half went down in his own PA with a injury and the ball was put out of play by Bury. The restart is a throw in to Donny on their right wing about 40 yards from the Bury goal. After treatment, the player leaves the pitch and the throw in is taken by Donny. The ball is thrown to Harry Forester who kicks the ball back towards the Bury GK who sees it sail over his head (poor positioning!! :cool:) and into the net. Cue ensuing pandemonium.
According Paul Dickov there was never any doubt, that Bury would be allowed to score unopposed from the kick off which is what duly happened (although there was nearly another incident when Thorsten Stuckmann 'tried' to tackle Leon Clarke). Dickov also claims he asked Eddie Ilderton to award a foul throw and restart with that and disallow the goal. The ref refused but he'd refused almost every other decision during the game anyway.

In hindsight, the LOTG don't appear to provide any guidance for this type of incident nor, do I see what the ref could have done differently. There have been other incidents of this nature (didn't it happen in a Yeovil game a couple of years ago?) and a 'free' goal was allowed then. In this case, I'm unsure that awarding a goal kick is correct in law and although messy, this was the best way to conclude the incident.
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David - thanks for your summary. I looked up the clip on line but it didn't have the detailed full story you have provided. As I see it, the referee has no authority to disallow either of the goals scored. Seems the referee acted correctly within LOTG.
Rob perhaps you're conflating if with what happens when there is a dropped ball restart and a goal is scored directly. That was a recent law change that your RDO would likely have talked about.
yes you are correct, it was a dropped ball restart that was discussed. Thanks for clearing that up .
If I was reffing in this sort scenario and I saw the ball go into the goal I'd be giving my AR a signal (or by using the comms at this level) and telling him to signal for a foul throw in, that way it is easily rectified and everyone is happy.
If I was reffing in this sort scenario and I saw the ball go into the goal I'd be giving my AR a signal (or by using the comms at this level) and telling him to signal for a foul throw in, that way it is easily rectified and everyone is happy.
If you see the video as shown on Look North last night, the throw in did indeed look suspect and could rightly have been called a foul throw. Great finish by Harry Forrester I have to say, the football community must have loved it.