DOGSO-R or advantage and goal?

Will you play advantage for a goal (granted awareness), or stop play and give red card?

  • Play advantage, goal

  • Stop play, give red card

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A&H International
These situations are so hard to judge.

Play advantage and a goal is scored you're great.
Play it and they fluff it up all of a sudden they don't want advantage and you're the worst.

For me there is still a clear opportunity for a goal, my guess is referee is too central and also there is potential a 2nd foul on the attacking player so he wants to jump on the whistle. I'd like to play advantage here and allow a goal. That is what football is about. Goals.

One noticeable point is 17 mins played... Anyone changing their approach based on time in match?
These situations are so hard to judge.

Play advantage and a goal is scored you're great.
Play it and they fluff it up all of a sudden they don't want advantage and you're the worst.

For me there is still a clear opportunity for a goal, my guess is referee is too central and also there is potential a 2nd foul on the attacking player so he wants to jump on the whistle. I'd like to play advantage here and allow a goal. That is what football is about. Goals.

One noticeable point is 17 mins played... Anyone changing their approach based on time in match?

On this one I be more inclined to see how things develop.

if its 2-2 on 87 mins I can understand no risks and stopping for the red card.

that said, easy for us sitting watching the clip but i would like to think both times I be waiting to see.
On this one I be more inclined to see how things develop.

if its 2-2 on 87 mins I can understand no risks and stopping for the red card.

that said, easy for us sitting watching the clip but i would like to think both times I be waiting to see.
I'd be the other way. 17 mins more likely to stop and send off as playing 73 minutes against 10 is better than sending off with 3 mins plus however much stoppage I'd be more inclined to take the risk here and see how it plays out
I'd be the other way. 17 mins more likely to stop and send off as playing 73 minutes against 10 is better than sending off with 3 mins plus however much stoppage I'd be more inclined to take the risk here and see how it plays out

My thinking is, prevent a goal on 87 at 2-2 then all the cliches come out, you cost us the game etc.. at 2-2 on 87 mins it really has to be 100% next phase a goal .
My thinking is, prevent a goal on 87 at 2-2 then all the cliches come out, you cost us the game etc.. at 2-2 on 87 mins it really has to be 100% next phase a goal .
But you wouldn't be preventing a. Goal you are actively trying to see if they can get one...
It just means the keeper gets a reprieve from a red we can't go back to
Are we definitely in agreement that’s even DOGSO? That first touch from the attacker is horrendous, taken him almost at a 45 degree angle away from goal with no guarantee he’s keeping the ball after as the defender ends up between attacker and the ball following the touch.
Are we definitely in agreement that’s even DOGSO? That first touch from the attacker is horrendous, taken him almost at a 45 degree angle away from goal with no guarantee he’s keeping the ball after as the defender ends up between attacker and the ball following the touch.
I had a momentary thought on that but I think he might also foul him so yes still in dogso land for me.
Maybe too quick on the whistle there, but then I understand because few will look out that wide.

If I had seen that player approaching I'd probably hesitate, try to play the advantage and knowing my luck, the player would kick it wide.
This is almost a replay of the Barcelona disallowed goal from the 2006 Champion's league final against Arsenal. Lehmann brought down Eto'o on the edge of the PA after 18 minutes and the loose ball was put in but the referee had already stopped play - Lehmann was sent off but the resulting free kick was put wide. (The referee was slated by Sepp Blatter, so he was probably right to give the free kick! :)) However, the Referee said that he wished he had delayed a second to see if there was a chance of a follow up before blowing.
In an ideal world you would hold the whistle, but in reality you are going to see that challenge and blow straight away.
First of all, I don't think this is a DOGSO. The fouled attacker's last touch was lateral, and there was cover coming close to the ball.

That said, the referee should have held the whistle. I get this is a big call, but just wait a moment on this and you get a goal and look like a hero.

I had one of these in a futsal tournament I refereed over the weekend. Attacker tries to shoot, and a non-keeper defender has his arm out. The ball contacts the defender's elbow. Obvious penalty, but the ball quickly bounced back to the shooter who then slid a pass to an unmarked teammate on the back post for an easy goal. I've been burned on a play like this in outdoor a couple of times, so I've learned the hard way to wait just a second or two. In this case, I was able to give the advantage signal and look like I knew what I was doing. :)
What a ball from midfield though!

On the replay, did the keeper actually touch the attacker? Did the attacker have an awful touch and ran across the defender? On the replay I'd be inclined to say no foul, play on
What a ball from midfield though!

On the replay, did the keeper actually touch the attacker? Did the attacker have an awful touch and ran across the defender? On the replay I'd be inclined to say no foul, play on

I see the very definition of trip and a gk accepting his fate. Usually, if the gk has not touched him, the gk goes tonto, as do his team mates.

its either the best behaved team at a dubious sending off, or, to all and sundry, its a sending off.
I know the keeper and players accepted it, just couldn’t see contact

does it then become one of the much heralded, well, expectation calls?

Obv not personal to you but if you ( we) as referee seem to be the only one not to see the foul, what next?

the ref in the clip for me does not have the best angle but, everything about the incident smells of, foul, to the ref,
I get it, just saying I can’t see contact I’m the replay. But granted don’t get a replay in a match, not at my level anyway (apart from pissed up Pete showing me my errors in the car park)