Dodgy Club Linesman


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Hi all. I was doing a game today and one of the club linesman, (also the manager), was making some VERY questionable offside calls in favour of his team. Almost got the point where he was automatically putting his flag up anytime a through ball was played.

I'm guessing a lot of us will have come across this at one point or another, and just wondering what can be done about it during the game?

If I suspect foul play I usually like to try and keep high up, sometimes ahead of play, just to check a couple of decisions myself. But today's pitch was massive so had no chance at all of doing that. So really I had to go with the decisions he was making. Much to the annoyance of the other teams strikers.
A&H International
always a tough one tho you do have the ultimate sanction of removing him as assistant referee
I have had a similar situation, so I changed my positioning so I could get round the back of the defence and told him to put his flag down a few times and even gave a few offsides....
I would say probably after 4 or 5 questionable decisions i would remove them as AR.
By me we give our own offsides and club AR's are not allowed to, so this has never been an issue.
That's really strange. I've never heard of having CARs and not having them do offsides. I guess after some dodgy decisions I could then decide to just do offsides myself and inform everyone. However that would then seem to me to also be punishing the team who's CAR is fine.
Make a habit of dropping in now and again - say once a half. Has 3 benefits:

1. Keeps all CARs on their toes
2. Adds some credibility to you and means you can judge properly how they're performing
3. Most important of all: After you do it a few times it becomes a subconscious habit, part of your game.
CARs can be a real bugger.

My prematch instructions to them about offside.

"I am happy for you to raise a flag if you believe there is an offside and you are keeping up with play. However, the decision as to whether it is offside or not remains solely with me. I will either blow the whistle or give you a signal to indicate I have seen you, please lower the flag and get on with it. Please do not be offended when I overrule you, it is likely to happen and chances are you will know I am wrong! Thanks for your assistance today gentlemen."

Instruction to players is "the man on the line is there purely for my benefit. You guys are playing to the whistle. If you haven't heard a whistle then keep running.

They know where they stand right from the outset. Not had any real problems this season.
That's really strange. I've never heard of having CARs and not having them do offsides. I guess after some dodgy decisions I could then decide to just do offsides myself and inform everyone. However that would then seem to me to also be punishing the team who's CAR is fine.
It just seems to be a thing we have in Yorkshire! We are told not to let them do them for some reason.
Make a habit of dropping in now and again - say once a half. Has 3 benefits:

1. Keeps all CARs on their toes
2. Adds some credibility to you and means you can judge properly how they're performing
3. Most important of all: After you do it a few times it becomes a subconscious habit, part of your game.
Thanks. What does "dropping in" mean?
Thanks. What does "dropping in" mean?
I think he means dropping it (ie. turning down the signal)

In Hull and in Sheffield I haven't come across specific do's and don'ts for CAR's but the general consensus is that they only do ins and outs.
I had one in a league cup semi in Sheffield and he didn't know which way to put the flag up for a throw in. He kept putting his flag up any way he liked for the throw. I asked him at half time if he knew which way to put it up, he replied "Well I know it's either towards the team that deserves it or the way that they are attacking" so I jokingly replied " Well can you at least pick one of them so I can understand what you're doing rather than just putting the flag up any way you feel like. It is the way that the team is attacking by the way" (laughs all round)
First throw in next half he puts it up the wrong way accidentally due to bad habits. I then gave him a very stern look and he realised and switched it (again laughs all round from the parents). He then got the hang of it:rolleyes:
I have had occasions where it is manager or nothing. Literally the players and manager, no subs, no crowd. Grass roots footie at its finest!
Yep, that's pretty much what it was yesterday!

i think by dropping in he means to place yourself in a good position to call the offside yourself
I thought it was something along these lines. Usually I would but the pitch yesterday was massive. Bigger than Conference teams pitches.
Had a guy tonight, the team had put their subs on the line to start but all were now on the pitch, so some random guy who was with the team got it, first chance of a decision and the ball is near the line but only just touching the touchline let alone over it and he flags, so I say play on. Two minutes later he is about four metres away from his defenders and try's to flag for a non existent offside, he was promptly ignored for the remaining ten minutes.
Had a guy tonight, the team had put their subs on the line to start but all were now on the pitch, so some random guy who was with the team got it, first chance of a decision and the ball is near the line but only just touching the touchline let alone over it and he flags, so I say play on. Two minutes later he is about four metres away from his defenders and try's to flag for a non existent offside, he was promptly ignored for the remaining ten minutes.

What happened to the substituted players?
They just sat on their buts doing nothing, we had ten minutes left when it changed and the game was already high tense and didn't wish to delay it by kicking up a fuss about getting him changed, choose the lesser of two evils I guess.
Had the same a few weeks ago, both CAR's were doing it, got so bad there own team were eventually having ago at them, ended up relieving them of their duties at half time, only to be replaced by another bloody flag happy person, oh and he eventually chucked my flag on the floor breaking it. Waiting to be reimbursed from the club for that!