The Ref Stop

DIssent....That team once again.......


Active Member
Sometimes there is a team coached by a coach that really just loves to whine about everything which in turn teaches his players the same behavior. I went into my match today, knowing this was a banger of a game between the said team and another U14 team that has also shown me lots of dissents. My pregame speech was my standard but also very stern warnings about dissent and that it will not be tolerated what so ever. Needless to say, most of them do not ever listen. I start the match and within 10 minutes the coach is already up on it. That's offsides ref, that's a handball. This is a coach that still to this day does not know the proper procedures to substitute and wants to argue with me on that as well. A few minutes later he receives his first caution from me. He is still being a pompous idiot but I let it go because his player then receives a caution for dissent. Anyway, the game plays on, they are getting beat up which for this team does not go well ever. Prior to the end of the match with literally less than a minute to go in a 4 to 0 game I hear the keeper of attacking team, all the way across the pitch call out loudly for a handball... I mean clear across the pitch. I look over even though I already know who the keeper it. Its the coaches son. The ball goes for a goal kick, I stop the game and march across the pitch and give him a shiny yellow one as well. He smirks at me and I then ask him if he wants one more....No comment of course. And no comment of the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Cheers for the great forum...I check in when I can...just ran 4 more today...yes on my rock here in the Pacific we are that short but I guess if I can still run... I run.

I most likely will referee the same teams this week because it is a hard midweek game to cover and I will try a different approach....well maybe. Any thought?

The Ref Stop
Well based on the story, am going to guess gk was yc for dissent but making an appeal for a decision is not dissent, far less what a potential 2nd one could be for......

What about when you turn up midweek and are getting team sheet and seeing as you all know each other, in a non pre judging the game way, put arm round coach and say," good to see you again, thanks for the lines, maybe tonight you can be coach and I can be ref and we can all enjoy the game more?"

Failing that, if using your exp and game management you know he is a rocket, nail him first time, if that means expulsion (as long as its justified) then so be it. (based entirely on whatever action he commits on this game).

No point waiting till last minute to do something which should have been done in the first, I personally find it weak that refs put up with 85 mins of tech area hassle, maybe issue a warning, then a final one, then decide with a few mins to go that you have had enough!!
Basically saying its ok to do it for 85 mins!! Then wishing you had done it after 20!!!
Miley afraid to say but you are spot on and thanks for that. This is why a member from across several ponds is a member here. I agree I am going to try a more friendlier approach if I choose to run this game, being there really is no one else. Shef and many others is amazed at where I referee and I get alot of support here. We are really a very small rock in the middle of the ocean but I appreciate the Laws of the game and what I can learn as a referee from my fellow referees.

Yes if they, whoever they are want to rant about some calls after given a stern pre game warning then the cards will come. Thanks for the input.

It seems in your league there is a problem with dissent, but if an early card doesnt shut them up the second yellow will. I give a lot of C2 in my games but normally I only need to issue 2 at youth level and they get the point. If they don't get the point I will keep giving and then if they make aFT its red and bye bye. Best way too learn. With coaches from next year it is going to be easy. warn yellow overstep the line red. Easy to follow and coaches will know exactly where they stand although I am not sure if this is just an English FA thing or all over.
Shef I would actually hold my own daughter's referee check if you would come. She will be perturbed but I can work magic here and I welcome you!
Tino it is not, you are spot on and I was a bit weak. I probably should have tossed the coach but it is a small rock and i am personally more lenient than other leagues across the pond. But thanks for the input, it all helps. On a side note, I am also the league assignor and ref admin so I am also trying to keep the peace as much as I can with the limited amount of referees I have at my disposable
Tino it is not, you are spot on and I was a bit weak. I probably should have tossed the coach but it is a small rock and i am personally more lenient than other leagues across the pond. But thanks for the input, it all helps. On a side note, I am also the league assignor and ref admin so I am also trying to keep the peace as much as I can with the limited amount of referees I have at my disposable

And bingo, your solution is clear
In a friendly, non judging manner, in that peaceful period prematch when we are all friends, hit him gently with
'As you might know xxxx, I also appoint the refs here and am running out of guys wanting to do your games, I really dont want to see your fixtures cancelled because I cant get a referee"

Ball firmly back in his court.
And yes the dissent is a major factor in my decisions. I also recruit a lot of youth referees and i am so adamant about referee abuse here. It is one my number one things.
I have done similar when co ordinating tournaments, along lines of guys, you need to behave, am running out of officials for your games here..
It might, just might, make them consider the consequences of their actions

I even had words with couple of coaches getting on back of a new ref once, and said, guys, if you dont screw the nut then I will appoint myself to your next game and we will see how well that goes...

Its all in the mind.