Diplomatic Final Whistle


New Member
Level 7 Referee
In a county league U13 game this morning I had the whites vs the reds and its was a very entertaining and close game. A few niggly fouls but good game of footy, with 5 minutes left the white team who were now 2-1 up after coming back from being 1-0 down started to waste a bit of time with going down for injuries which annoyed the reds, every time this happened I would stop my watch as it counts down from 35 minutes down to 0, then I don't have to add on anytime at the end of the game. During the 5 minutes I was constantly getting asked by reds management team etc, how much time ref to moans and groans of course.

The game then carried on with the reds attacking and trying to get an equaliser, just as my watch beeped as it got to 0 minutes I gave a foul outside the box to the reds and obviously I had to let the free kick take place and then I would see what would happen and blow after the attack as over, Unfortunately here is where the big mistake took place....

The GK caught the ball and walked a couple steps and then put the ball on the floor and then picked it up again, cue all of reds having a moan and saying you cant do that, its an indirect free kick blah blah, I know all this but I was just about to blow for full-time, I was waiting for the GK to kick it and then I would blow, unfortunately with all the moaning and arguing taking place I blew my whistle for full-time amidst all of this arguing and the game was over, however the reds were very unhappy and manager and coach came on the pitch to moan blah blah, I explained to him I played 30 seconds too much anyway hence the reason I blew, I did say to him that yes I knew its was an indirect free kick but I was going to blow anyway.

Was I right to blow for Full time?
Should I have blown for full time after the foul I gave at the end of the game?

Any tips for this would be great because this is the first time since September of being a newly qualified referee and doing games every weekend since September that I did not enjoy the game and thought that I ruined the game. (Reds managers said I had a good game until that decision)
A&H International
Your only mistake was playing the 30 seconds too much in the first place. You could've avoided the whole issue by blowing up there and then. Remember next time. I personally don't see how I'd be able to sell a full-time whistle after something like that has happened... technically you're within the LotG but still it's something that you just can't really do. An IDFK inside the penalty area is a massive opportunity.
Personally you should of done the indirect free kick whites was obvious trying to gain an advantage at that Kmi and you fell for it
But the beepers help tell me when it end of normal time then what ever time I add on is in use by my send Casio watch which is a stopwatch function and I add the time on from that
Is there a vibrate option?

Personally, a glance or two at the watch usually does it for me
The beeping is not really that loud, I also know when the last few minutes are anyway but its nice to have a the beep option. I think if I had blown as I had given DFK I would have created more trouble for myself as Reds were attacking for an equaliser but unfortunately I made it worse by playing on and then the GK doing what he did but I suppose its all learning curves as a new referee...
I may be wrong but i suspect that Dan meant once the DFK had been taken and the keeper caught it - blow at that point, whistle poised and ready, making the keeper's next move irrelevant
I see what you mean, I know I should have really...Hindsight is a wonderful thing sometimes
We live and learn. I learnt about not delaying the final whistle a few months back. Up until then, I'd done the cliched thing of waiting for the keeper to kick it out and blowing while the ball was in the air. Time had run out, the keeper had the ball in his hands and I was jogging back to the centre ready to stop the play. Next thing I know, the keeper is racing out of his box, throws the ball away, leaps onto an attacker and pulls him to the ground, punches left right and centre! I think, though my view was partially blocked, that the attacker stopped him kicking the ball out and that was the final straw for a frustrated keeper.

End result was the obvious red for the keeper, yellow for the attacker (who didn't complain, so clearly knew he'd provoked) and me blowing the final whistle before play resumed. If I'd blown 30 seconds earlier, before any incident could happen, I'd have saved myself the aggro, someone a beating, two fines and a ban. Not that any of that excuses the behaviour, but the opportunity was there to prevent it and I hadn't.

I remember this every time my watches show full time now, and as long as there is no clear attack in progress (and the ball is on or around the pitch so it doesn't get left somewhere) that's time for the whistle.
You're under no responsibility to allow the DFK to play -- that is only applicable to Penalty Kicks.