Difference between dissent and OFFINABUS


The avuncular one
Red vs Blue - cup game

Simple careless foul by blue in the first half. Blue captain decides to shout out from about 40 yards away "fluff off that's a foul ref!" Not aggressive in any way, just loud. Lots of laughs from the small crowd as I call him over, caution administered. I admit I was stifling a laugh myself.

Second half. I am working with CARs and Red teams own CAR did not flag to indicate the ball had crossed the goal line for what would have been a goal kick for his team - when I look across he is right there on the corner flag - nothing. I have lots of players in my line of sight but it looks like the ball is still in play. Blue player pulls the ball back across the 6 yard area, nice run onto the ball, goal. Captain of Reds decides to argue the point as we take position for the kick off and is just crossing the threshold for a dissent caution when he adds "you're a fluffling d!ck!" *(*words changed to protect little eye ears). Change my mind and go with a red card for OFFINABUS instead of a dissent caution.

Red team cannot accept this as what their captain did is apparently the same as what the blue captain did in their minds. Tried to explain the subtle but important difference, but its wasted on them. Reds lost. Probably going to erect a statue in my honour in the middle of their town...
A&H International
I'll bet your club marks reflect that "horrendous decision that ruined the game" ( :rolleyes: ) even though you were completely and utterly correct in law.
Another example as to why I think the "club marks" system is a load of old ****e! :( :cool:
Of course they can't accept that. No surprise.
There is definitely a difference between the 2 comments. The second is a deliberate insult.
The first....you could argue it's OFFINABUS from the 'f off' part.
While adding 'effing' in front of something doesn't automatically make it DOGSO, it does make whatever is being said worse, so you take that into consideration. That comment you sent him for? Clear red.
I agree with the 2 card colours.
I would also be sending in a caution for the red captain for the original dissent
damned if you do damned if you don't!!

last Saturday's game, player kept calling me a joke (following an awful display from the CAR) asked him politely to shut up, and said it again so called him over for a yellow, to which he screamed in my face f*** off!!!!
Straight red, easy decision.
Jeeeeeeeeeeeez was the worst decision in the world, apparently never a red card!!
then had the audacity to ask if it was 2 yellows after the game, to which I said no, got even more abuse (called me a waste of sperm amongst a number of other things?!?!? WTF!!) so further comments added to the report.
When does a yellow in this situation become a red? How much does there have to be? If you give a yellow for a tackle and then they say something and it would be classed as dissent, do you give two yellows or one red?
When does a yellow in this situation become a red? How much does there have to be? If you give a yellow for a tackle and then they say something and it would be classed as dissent, do you give two yellows or one red?

in that instance you'd give the yellow for the tackle and then another yellow for dissent thus equaling a red. The suspensions and fines for two yellows as opposed to a straight red are different so it'll be important to get this right!
damned if you do damned if you don't!!

last Saturday's game, player kept calling me a joke (following an awful display from the CAR) asked him politely to shut up, and said it again so called him over for a yellow, to which he screamed in my face f*** off!!!!
Straight red, easy decision.
Jeeeeeeeeeeeez was the worst decision in the world, apparently never a red card!!
then had the audacity to ask if it was 2 yellows after the game, to which I said no, got even more abuse (called me a waste of sperm amongst a number of other things?!?!? WTF!!) so further comments added to the report.

Should have been in the book after the first 'joke'.......wouldn't have let him keep saying it....once is enough.
When does a yellow in this situation become a red? How much does there have to be? If you give a yellow for a tackle and then they say something and it would be classed as dissent, do you give two yellows or one red?

You can't give a red card for dissent. ;)
If it's dissent, then it's a caution (irrespective of whether or not it's his first or second). You would obviously then follow it up with the red as well if it was his second yellow.
OFFINABUS, is a straight red, irrespective of whether he's already been cautioned or not. :)
Agree with Padfoot.
Calling me a joke cannot be "managed" with words and is straight to caution. Easy sell.
Even with the general poor behaviour this season I'd be taken back by anyone being surprised at a red for screaming "**** off" in my face. Players usually know they're walking when they do this to a ref.
If it was genuine surprise that speaks very poorly of the refs in that league. Not the first time they've seen refs abused obviously.
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Being called a joke is right at the top of my yellow / red card (had he called me an effing joke then straight red) luckily (for me) he went waaaaaaay over the mark.

Up until 3 games ago, I'd had 1 red all season, the last 3 games I've had 4, all stone wallers, 2 from mass confrontation (1 knee to the head 1 punch) last weeks idiot and a dogso today!

Waiting till the end of the season to have knee surgery, I'm half tempted to get it booked for next week and knock this season on the head!!