I'll stick with it
You mean "has no longer been"? Or...?Hi
A touch by an attacker means that the ball has longer been deliberately kicked by the defender it is a touch / play by the attacker which lifts the restriction on the GK.
From: Peter Grove
Date: Thursday, 18 May 2017 at 04:21
To: "Info (The IFAB)" <info@theifab.com>
Subject: Deflection on deliberate kick to keeper
I was wondering if you could give an opinion on the following. If a player deliberately kicks the ball, intending it for his goalkeeper but the ball is deflected by an opponent on the way, does the prohibition on the keeper touching the ball with the hands, still apply?
Dear Peter,
No it does not as the goalkeeper is not receiving it directly from a team mate.
Best regards,
Boudien Broekhuis
Communications & Administration Manager
The International Football Association Board - IFAB
Follow The IFAB on Twitter and Facebook!
Münstergasse 9
CH-8001 Zurich
Tel.: +41 (0) 44 245 1886
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Perfect. We'll take the words of Boudien as gospel. Much better to accept without challenge the words of a comms and admin manager, rather than, say, someone like David Elleray. We have no idea whether this is just her opinion, or whether she has validated the response with someone such as the aforementioned.
From: Law Enquiries
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 23:56
To: Peter Grove
Subject: Re: Deflection on deliberate kick to keeper
Dear Mr Grove
The reply you received was the opinion of the Technical Director of The IFAB.
Best wishes
David Elleray
Technical Director
The International Football Association Board - IFAB
Münstergasse 9
CH-8001 Zurich
Tel. General: +41 (0) 44 245 1886
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Thank you @Peter Grove for obtaining a definitive response. I hereby amend my stance on this matter. Thanks again.And here's the confirmation:
They did that for a bit as the FAQs. They put out four editions of that early last summer for the 16-17 LotG.Maybe IFAB should (weekly? monthly?) publish an overview of the questions they're getting, including the answers. Would be really useful.
True, but the FAQ's did not appear (as far as I am aware) until the Laws were put on the site as separate items, once they came into effect. If they follow the same approach this time, we may see some updated FAQ's in June.They did that for a bit as the FAQs. They put out four editions of that early last summer for the 16-17 LotG.