Crying U10

American Idiot

13 Year Old Referee
Last week I had my first game after becoming certified. It was U10 red v white. It was a fair game with not many fouls. In the last minute of the match, I awarded a penalty to the red team because a player on the white team stuck his hand up and hit the ball in the penalty area. After I gave the penalty, the player started crying. I didn't know what to do, so I pretended I didn't see it. The penalty was then scored, and the game ended.

What should I have done about the crying player?
Also, time was up after the penalty was scored. Could I have blown for full time right then, or do I have to wait for them to kick off to blow for full time?

A&H International
wow thats something i've never personally experienced. my first thought would be check with the manager and the player that they are ok just like with an injury and i thought you had to blow during play so your next play would be from kick off although unsure about this
sounds like your happy with your game apart from this which is brilliant for confidence and over time you'll get used to it. my 1st season aswell and im still nervous every time i go on the pitch ;)
to be honest and not being mean but its not your problem if he's crying its his managers problem, totally different to if he's injured. if he stupid enough to stick his hands up he gets no sympathy from me! but yes cant blow up until after you kick off again
I had a crying 12 year old after id sent him off, wouldn't have minded but he punched another player in the face!!

To be honest, in your situation, it just sounds like he was upset, id have just checked that he was ok, and left the manager to deal with it

As for blowing the final whistle, I've blown as soon as the penalty was scored before, i don't think you have to kick off again, could be wrong about that though.
see im not sure about the restart of play then blowing, thinking of checking up on that blow the dust of lotg :D

how've you been this weekend ross, had any games?
Haven't had a game all season. Work commitments getting in the way :(
i quit work, thought **** it, moved back in with parents so its all free and just do reffing and me uni stuff now. thats my advice for anyone now :cool:
Wish i could give up work. Gotta pay the mortgage somehow :(
Yeah, I've had a girl start crying in U14 after I awarded a penalty for her foul. I just asked her if she was alright, she nodded sheepishly "yes" and so I asked her to get outside of the penalty area so we could go forward. To be honest, I'm not sure I did the right thing because what would I have done if she'd said "no" when I asked if she was alright?
It was girls so not too old, I think. Had she said no, I'd probably have told her to suck it up.