Corner Restart


Well-Known Member
Turned down my 5 minutes of fame on Twitter/X this week!

Scenario, non seriously injured player by corner flag away from the benches. As physio comes on to treat. Both teams retreat to benches for tactical team talk.

Academy friendly match so kind of expected? Player finishes treatment, blow my whistle for two sets of players to return to take the corner, attacking team return, defending team continue team talk, all on the pitch but ignore my whistle. 15 seconds later blow it again, still no response. Attacking team asking if they can take the corner? Third whistle, much louder & me shouting to the bench my displeasure. Acknowledged by the manager but still feels he needs to deliver his tactical information.

Apart from a car crash & me losing future refereeing with this Academy team, anything in law to stop me restarting the match? The defending team were on the pitch, i was ready & the opposition were ready. They could have walked the ball in to the net. 😂
A&H International
Nothing in law to stop you, no.
It's not great from a game management perspective, but I find it frustrating that teams feel that just because a player receives treatment they get to go and have a break.
Appreciate your restart was in the corner so harder to manage, but I would ensure I'm heard saying 'this is not a drinks break, if you don't head to your positions immediately, we will restart regardless.'
Others may have better ways of managing it though! I upset a team the other week by restarting after an injury assessment when they 'weren't ready' despite me whistling several times and telling them we're ready to restart.
In several games this season where no drinks breaks were in place, a goalkeeper has gone down "injured" in the penalty area and requested the physio - by coincidence each was on 22 or 67 minutes and all the other players
immediately ran to their coach.
Who believes in coincidence. . . ?
In several games this season where no drinks breaks were in place, a goalkeeper has gone down "injured" in the penalty area and requested the physio - by coincidence each was on 22 or 67 minutes and all the other players
immediately ran to their coach.
Who believes in coincidence. . . ?
Nice opportunity to have one yourself tbh
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They can't be delaying the restart as play can be restarted. While certainly not recommending this remedy ( a bit of devil's advocate) shout, you have 6 plus a keeper on the field, I will be starting in 10 seconds. If they are not moving in position in 10 seconds and you ask the attacking team to take the kick, defenders have no one but themselves to blame. If they take players off the field, caution the one that makes them below seven (or keeper).
IMHO, restart with a team off the field is a bad idea, no matter what. Warning, then coach caution, makes more sense to me.

Plenty of cover from Law 12.3 (take your pick!):

The following offences should usually result in a warning; repeated or blatant offences should result in a caution or sending-off:

failing to cooperate with a match official e.g. ignoring an instruction/request from an assistant referee or the fourth official

Caution offences include (but are not limited to):

• action(s) which show(s) a clear lack of respect for the match official(s)

• acting in a provocative or inflammatory manner

• persistent unacceptable behaviour (including repeated warning offences)

• showing a lack of respect for the game

Don't know your reporting codes, but these must be there somewhere!
Had the keeper go down holding his shoulder, then asked for the physio. He then winked at his skipper.

Is what it is.
Had the keeper go down holding his shoulder, then asked for the physio. He then winked at his skipper.

Is what it is.
There's a National League North manager who tells his goalkeeper that his shoe laces are undone when the opposition are on top.