complimenting players

A&H International
There's another topic about warning players to be careful, which I think is common sense. I've done that for years, but I never then congratulated them for being careful. Got in a chat with a L3 assessor before a game and he suggested I tried it.

I was really sceptical but the players love it and I've carried on doing it ever since. So you follow up a "carefull fellas" as the challenge goes in with a "well done lads, good challenge", or something like that. I initially thought players would find it a bit patronising, but it seems they don't and very few have made any kind of negative comment about it.
I keep it as simple as "Good tackle, keep going" or "Good header, carry on" when two players are going in 1v1 to win a ball. It saves them turning round to see if you're giving a free kick if they feel they've been fouled.

If two players are going into a challenge and there's a bit of time I will also say "Steady" or "I'm watching" just another bit of chat so they know I'm there.
Like others have said don't be a commentator, thats irritating and you can get caught out in not giving yourself thinking time in computing whats just happened. All good to say the simple 'Great Save' and 'Great block' etc but do it sparingly and they'll understand that you appreciate fair play or good play as well as the nasty stuff...
There's another topic about warning players to be careful, which I think is common sense. I've done that for years, but I never then congratulated them for being careful. Got in a chat with a L3 assessor before a game and he suggested I tried it.

I was really sceptical but the players love it and I've carried on doing it ever since. So you follow up a "carefull fellas" as the challenge goes in with a "well done lads, good challenge", or something like that. I initially thought players would find it a bit patronising, but it seems they don't and very few have made any kind of negative comment about it.

Yes, this works very well. Plus it helps sell any eventual foul in the event of the player deciding _not_ to be careful and lunging it!

Can also work well in front of the benches. It makes it clear you've seen any physical contact but that you are happy that the players are both giving as good as they are getting. Typical phrase: "Good battle, well done".