The Ref Stop

Closing Off Dates with CFA


Well-Known Member
Question. I am having an ankle operation in December, so need to close off December just in case I get a County Cup appointment. Who do I contact? Email the RDO?

I can't do anything via the Whole Game System
The Ref Stop
We have a separate email for closed dates (closeddates at, not sure if this is a national thing though like replace Derbyshire with your county.
You could try something really old fashioned and either make a phone call or write a letter to the County FA. Phone calls backed up by an email are always the most efficient means of communication with County FAs (and other administrative organisations).
....our central appointments man would just love it if 750 referees called him over a period of three days at the end of each month .... though, given the differences that exist, county to county, I'd agree that if, like the o.p., you're not sure of the procedure then phoning is a good call

See what I did there :rolleyes: