Changing the Club Lino


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Had a new one today (I'm new, so most days there is a 'new one').

The club lino gave a questionable throwing. I sided with him as it happened right in front of him. Arguments between player and lino ensued and when I overheard what the lino was saying 'well your lino is being biased' or words along that lines. Had to replace him.

Anyone else replaced their club lino. What would anyone else do in this situation.

A substitute treating running the line, like he is a 12th player.

I had also just overruled an offside that disallowed goal by the other lino not too long before that. When I did so, there was no dissent as everyone pretty much knew he just threw the flag up to chance his arm.

It is a competitive league where you can tell the club linos know how to sneak an advantage.
A&H International
Had a new one today (I'm new, so most days there is a 'new one').

The club lino gave a questionable throwing. I sided with him as it happened right in front of him. Arguments between player and lino ensued and when I overheard what the lino was saying 'well your lino is being biased' or words along that lines. Had to replace him.

Anyone else replaced their club lino. What would anyone else do in this situation.

A substitute treating running the line, like he is a 12th player.

I had also just overruled an offside that disallowed goal by the other lino not too long before that. When I did so, there was no dissent as everyone pretty much knew he just threw the flag up to chance his arm.

It is a competitive league where you can tell the club linos know how to sneak an advantage.
Subject to competition rules (please check) if they can't provide a suitable CAR do without, and report to the competition if rules require.
Tell coaches and captains what you are doing, and that no dissent is required.
I’ve only had to do this once but it was this season. Club linesman (a sub) was making a series of digs at the opposition striker - too loud to ignore. I told the manager and captain he needed to be replaced and they were happy to do so, although the sub himself ended up with a caution in the end