The Ref Stop



Level 7 Referee
Cautioned a youth player yesterday after he scored a goal. He celebrated with his arms outstretched and cheering in front of the opposition defender, who stood about 4 yards away. What are your thoughts on these kinds of celebrations? Is it UB or even an attempt at goading, hoping for a reaction?

Felt a wee bit of a killjoy as it was a very good goal after a great solo run.
The Ref Stop
C1 GC (Unsporting behaviour, goal celebration). If you think it's been done with the intention to goad a reaction then you're well within your rights to caution.

Celebration of a goal

Players can celebrate when a goal is scored, but the celebration must not be excessive; choreographed celebrations are not encouraged and must not cause excessive time-wasting.

Leaving the field of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence but players should return as soon as possible.

A player must be cautioned, even if the goal is disallowed, for:

  • climbing onto a perimeter fence and/or approaching the spectators in a manner which causes safety and/or security issues
  • acting in a provocative, derisory or inflammatory way
  • covering the head or face with a mask or other similar item
  • removing the shirt or covering the head with the shirt
Following on from this, I had a situation a few weeks ago where, in a very one sided game, the winning teams left back would jump up right behind the winger of the losing team and tap him on the back with his hands on his way back to position. In my mind he's not really done much wrong as it's not enough for UB in my opinion. Just not sure on where that stands in law.
Following on from this, I had a situation a few weeks ago where, in a very one sided game, the winning teams left back would jump up right behind the winger of the losing team and tap him on the back with his hands on his way back to position. In my mind he's not really done much wrong as it's not enough for UB in my opinion. Just not sure on where that stands in law.
Nah, I think that is showing a lack of respect for the game, which is what I YC'd the player for yesterday.
Nah, I think that is showing a lack of respect for the game, which is what I YC'd the player for yesterday.
I see your point, I think the reason I chose not to is because I don't see it very differently to a player saying something to an opponent to get in their head. And unless I'm corrected I don't think we should stop small mind games like that unless it becomes excessive.
Perfect example of my proposed Unsporting Behaviour “BE” code for being a bit of a bellend.

I’d be nipping that in the OP in the bud. With teenage lads, that’s got a high likelihood of going south quite quickly.

(On an aside, I played the BEST ADVANTAGE of my entire life yesterday in an U18 match)
Yeah as FirsFox40 says... best to get that sorted in an U13 game, which it was. I like some of the banter that goes on especially if it is original and witty. But don't see why he couldn't celebrate with his team-mates instead of trying to noise up his opponent.
Following on from this, I had a situation a few weeks ago where, in a very one sided game, the winning teams left back would jump up right behind the winger of the losing team and tap him on the back with his hands on his way back to position. In my mind he's not really done much wrong as it's not enough for UB in my opinion. Just not sure on where that stands in law.
I see your point, I think the reason I chose not to is because I don't see it very differently to a player saying something to an opponent to get in their head. And unless I'm corrected I don't think we should stop small mind games like that unless it becomes excessive.
I don't disagree with your second post. We don't want to remove all of the 'banter' from the game, but we need to reign it in if it threatens our match control.
For me, a lot depends on the way the offended player reacts. If he laughs it off, probably no issue. If it draws a reaction then you can caution for it (and maybe the reaction if severe enough). If no reaction then maybe an opportunity for a quiet word in the offenders ear to say you saw what he did and he could very easily pick up a caution if he chose to do it again.
(On an aside, I played the BEST ADVANTAGE of my entire life yesterday in an U18 match)
Best stop advantages from now on. Blow for everything and finish on a high!

I hope you said "Assist FirsFox40" as you made your way back towards the centre circle.