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    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to OnlyUseMeWhistle's post in the thread Rice red card with Like Like.
      Genuinely shocked this caused so much debate, even the panel that often get's split between officials and non-officials was unanimous.
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Rice red card with Like Like.
      Deleted a couple of posts as they bore no relevance to the thread, referencing past events that were long before the incident in OP and...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Rice red card with Like Like.
      Personally I am not surprised. It was a clear and deliberate time wasting action. Even Rice has said sorry and he shouldn't have done it.
    • Samuel
      Samuel replied to the thread Refsix Pro.
      I personally have the heat maps purely because I am way too interested in my own statistics and want to know where I was during the...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread Thresholds with the bench with Like Like.
      I think it takes a peculiar personality to be a good Senior (in respect of communication with TAs) First off, I think you have to love...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to Refollie's post in the thread Thresholds with the bench with Like Like.
      I tend to do a lot of senior ARs of late. Same as a few above really, I don’t tend to get too particular about too many...
    • Samuel
      Samuel replied to the thread Rice red card.
      I think like many people have already said, it doesn't matter where he's moved the ball to as CK was probably happy with the position of...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread Rice red card with Like Like.
      "common sense" trumps LOTG half of the time LOTG trumps "common sense" half of the time Pundits bleat because they disagree on what...
    • Samuel
      Samuel replied to the thread Rice red card.
      Also a fair point by Dermot Gallagher saying that if CK doesn't book him and follows "common sense" then he will be outed for making the...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to one's post in the thread Rice red card with Like Like.
      We talk about context all the time. It matters a lot when making a subjective decision. Phrases like "if it's a foul in the middle of...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to Ryanj91's post in the thread Rice red card with Sad Sad.
      Wrong. He has walked a fair distance from the original foul. The ball is then kicked at him. How can he move away from the ball if...
    • Samuel
      Samuel replied to the thread Matchday -1.
      Yeah I have found that when speaking with other referees in recent weeks about their preparation that everyone needs to focus on...
    • Samuel
      Samuel reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread Matchday -1 with Like Like.
      There's also the issue that one size doesn't fit all, what works for a 20 year old almost certainly won't work for someone in their 40s...
    • Samuel
      Samuel replied to the thread Matchday -1.
      Thanks mate, this was pretty much exactly what I was looking for 👍
    • Samuel
      Hi all, I was at a FA CORE camp last month and we covered MD-1's but I cannot for the life of me remember everything we covered like the...
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