Cautioning despite no contact


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Had a strange ish scenario the other night, Ref'ing in a lower level game where by a player from the home team is playing in their second side to get fitness for the firsts who are much higher. He is clearly far more skill full than some of these lads are used to and they start to get irate when he is dancing around them as if they weren't there. This results in them adopting a kick him attitude but this guy is so good they miss him every time, not to mention a couple of his team mates.

Now with no contact on him I let a few go and warned their skipper to calm his lads down, but it continued I decided I needed to make some sort of statement to get them to cut it out and I said to myself next one who does it I'm booking for reckless/ dangerous play. Sadly the guy that did was already booked and came in big style and took the ball but caught him on the top of the foot, the speed of his swinging foot was so great it ended up looking like a keeper releasing from him hands. Now in this instance the guy made the faintest of contact with him, had him he made full contact he'd have snapped his leg, so the second was disputed but not massively so.

But to go back to the earlier ones, where no contact has been made, not even knocked off balance. Can you still give a foul or something as you know eventually someone will get hurt but unless they catch him nothing has happened. I felt like I needed to step in but a quick word with did nothing and knew that if carried on some one get hurt.
The Referee Store
Direct from the LOTG:

A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any
of the following seven offences in a manner considered by the referee to be
careless, reckless or using excessive force:
• kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
• trips or attempts to trip an opponent
• jumps at an opponent
• charges an opponent
• strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
• pushes an opponent
• tackles an opponent

I don't think I'd be issuing a yellow on the forst attempted kick or two, but anymore and I'd think about cautioning for Persistent Infringments.
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Yeah it was the cautioning that was running it in my head, but given the whole reckless thing it then it's obvious. I'm not at home at the moment so didn't have the good book to fall back on. Need to save it as a favourite to my safari browser lol.
I'd be careful, though, you don't wanna go calling fouls every time someone lunges in and misses.
I'd be careful, though, you don't wanna go calling fouls every time someone lunges in and misses.
I agree. I think if it puts the opponent off his stride or in any way interferes with his "normal" or "expected" play then I'd be giving a FK. A simple mistimed tackle which causes no problems would be let go.