CAR arguement

Mike Spice

New Member
Level 7 Referee
U13s on Saturday, bit one sided. I didn't have the best of games - don't know why, I was just off the boil. Anyhow away team CAR seemed to sense this and started shouting / arguing with me (obviously against the decisions for "his" team - he was a parent).

I ignored this until he shouted "Your marks are going down all the time, Ref" at which point I asked him for the flag, dismissed him of his duties and appointed another parent.

He seemed surprised that I disagreed / ignored some of his flagging!

How do you handle mouthy CARs?
A&H International
U13s on Saturday, bit one sided. I didn't have the best of games - don't know why, I was just off the boil. Anyhow away team CAR seemed to sense this and started shouting / arguing with me (obviously against the decisions for "his" team - he was a parent).

I ignored this until he shouted "Your marks are going down all the time, Ref" at which point I asked him for the flag, dismissed him of his duties and appointed another parent.

He seemed surprised that I disagreed / ignored some of his flagging!

How do you handle mouthy CARs?
I trust that you will be reporting the mis-conduct by a club official to the correct authorities. If you have had to remove the flag, then it is dissent at the least and potentially more.
Also report to the league - under the Respect campaign, they will be able to deal with the club for not managing their parents.
I did an AA women's match a few years back. The CAR became vocal with my decisions so I dismissed him and put my flag away. Gave went much smoother after that. Would rather have no AR than one that causes issues especially when I'm the only one who really does not have an agenda.