captains chat


Level 7 Referee
i was just wondering what everyone mentions at the captains chat with the toss just before kick off?

i mention about respect and say i am looking for a good clean game.
A&H International
The higher I've got, the more varied the chats get.

Mine now are basically a laugh with the skippers, telling them I'm Dan to them, not ref, and that along with AR's, we are a team of 5 so let's treat it that way. They know which of their players are idiots, so deal with them before I get a chance to.
More than anything, enjoy it and I'll see you in the bar for a pint!
Mine doesnt differ too much from Dans. "You know your players, if you cant keep them inline, then i will! Enjoy the game"

Keep it simple is my only real advise, dont put too much on them, itll only confuse them
Very similar to Dan's for most matches (except for the pint after the game for my youth matches!). American High School rules (non-FIFA matches) actually require a brief talk about sportsmanship, confirmation from both coaches that their teams are "legally and properly equipped" and that both coaches confirm that they will abide by the "Coaches Code of Ethics" as written in the NFHS rulebook! Strange, isn't it?
"I'm ***, my assistants are *** and ***. Gosh, I'm going to get a sore neck after this match (joke because I ams o short). We will get things wrong, but if you help me, I'll help you. Home team toss and catch it, away team call."

The more you say, the more they have to hit back at you with. I have heard some that go on about "I will send you off if you swear... blah blah blah". Keep it short and sweet.
Very similar to Dan's for most matches (except for the pint after the game for my youth matches!). American High School rules (non-FIFA matches) actually require a brief talk about sportsmanship, confirmation from both coaches that their teams are "legally and properly equipped" and that both coaches confirm that they will abide by the "Coaches Code of Ethics" as written in the NFHS rulebook! Strange, isn't it?

Do you not find Americans in general go OTT about sport a lot of them time?
- Morning/Afternoon gents/ladies.

- You know how it works by now, I stay out where I can and come in when I have to. If you can look after your players, I have a quiet day and we all go home happy.

- The guys with the flags are here to do a job. If I'm not happy I'll say so. The silliest way to get yourself cautioned or sent off is to have a go at me or them. Ok?

- Right you flick and you call. Winner choose ends.

- Thanks guys.

Rarely add more as they aren't listening properly beyond that.
Do you not find Americans in general go OTT about sport a lot of them time?

I suppose that sort of depends on the sport. Yes, there are always some parents that go ballistic on occasion. But at least where I live (rural California), it's not a big issue. I'm on the board of our local AYSO Region (youth soccer), and our biggest problem every year are parents for U10 girls. I'm generalizing, of course, but it sure seems that at that particular age group, every dad wishes their daughter was a son, and every mom thinks their daughter is Mia Hamm. U10 girls' parents are the MOST obnoxious, every year. I think it might be because that is the first age group where we enforce offside, we keep score, and wins and losses count toward a tangible goal (medals or tournament play at the end of the season). That higher level of competitiveness, and having something at stake can bring out the worst in a parent, it seems.

But, as their kids get older, the parents always mellow out. By high school, most behave quite well. In fact, most high school players are pretty embarrassed by the loud or ignorant yelling from parents. As a referee, I get the eye-roll along with "sorry about that, he's my dad, ref" from a teenager at least once or twice a season...haha.

Some other American sports actively encourage dissent, such as baseball. The image of a manager kicking dirt on the umpire, turning his hat backwards so he can stick his nose in the umpire's face as he screams, that's considered normal for a "good" manager to stand up for his team against those awful umpires. (see This Video for example!) The reason my son quit Little League (American youth baseball) was that he hated the coaches who yelled all the time, at umpires, other parents, and even the kids (both on his own team, and the opposing team). We haven't been back, and we haven't regretted it a single moment.
I just tend to find that out of all parents, mams are generally the ones who like to kick a fuss up out of nothing. (No trying to be sexist).

Can you explain to me why any decent human being would behave that way and then it be applauded? Also I understand the basics of baseball but what was he complaining about? The umpire's decision with whether people have made it home or not? Finally I hope he received a lengthy punishment for his actions!
I don't get it. If I remember right from umpiring softball many years ago (I can't think that the rules can be that different), the rules clearly state (similar to the LOTG) that the umpire is right on every decision that they make. The only time that a player or coach could argue with them was if the umpire's decision was wrong in law! Or has baseball gone the same way as many professional sports where this sort of behaviour is allowed for entertainment value at a professional level and such behaviour filters down to park level?
Captain's toss is exactly as follows:

"Good afternoon, I'm Ryan. You're the home team, do you want heads or tails? Heads it is. What side would you like to attack in the first half? Okay, thank you. We'll be starting in ten minutes, have your boys lined up for equipment check in 8. Good luck lads."
Captain's toss is exactly as follows:

"Good afternoon, I'm Ryan. You're the home team, do you want heads or tails? Heads it is. What side would you like to attack in the first half? Okay, thank you. We'll be starting in ten minutes, have your boys lined up for equipment check in 8. Good luck lads."
Do you not do it just before the kick-off then? Take a more rugby approach to it all?
Not much from me.

"Hi Ladies or Gents, im jevon your referee for today. Lets all enjoy the game and make sure that if you have any questions you ask mefrom , I will answer you but it may not be the answer your looking for. Tell your lads to speak to me when close, but dont go having a go at me from 30 or 40 Yards otherwise you will be coming across for a chat.

My two Assistants are (Even when club) .......... you have your team these are part of my team so what ever is said will be taken as if it is said to me.

Enjoy the game and lets get in the bar for a drink after!"

Thats basically what I say to the captains and I always call the captains by there first name because it helps me as a referee. Ive even had a player ask me how I knew his name of which I answered by there's a thing your team have called a team sheet.