Captain's Armbands - LOTG

A&H International
"Just get some tape on his arm coach, and then we're off"
Exactly. Perhaps I should have been more specific. I’m not delaying it so someone can make a 10 minute journey home to fetch it unless necessary 🤣. They can put tape on.
Edit: tape might just have to go in my kit bag this season!
Exactly. Perhaps I should have been more specific. I’m not delaying it so someone can make a 10 minute journey home to fetch it unless necessary 🤣.
Your not thinking right here....
Delay of the start of the match = fine for league
Failure to have a captain's armband = fine for the league.

Come on, think about why you are there = to make money for the league and FA 🤣
Your not thinking right here....
Delay of the start of the match = fine for league
Failure to have a captain's armband = fine for the league.

Come on, think about why you are there = to make money for the league and FA 🤣
And to take the blame when a team has lost the game
About the tape idea suggested, this has just been confirmed by The IFAB:
So basically, anything goes! 🤣
I did a pre-season friendly last night. Two serious, well run and organised sides.

Mea culpa - I didn’t spot it/look for it at the coin toss (probably because I was focused on getting him to remove his nose ring that he had taped over) but the red captain didn’t have an armband. I now know this because later in the game I was chatting to both captains - all good natured stuff - when red captain says about the green captain “he can’t speak to you like that, sin bin him”.

Green captain replies “I can talk to him, I’ve got my arm band” which prompted me to look at the red captain. Noticing he didn’t have an arm band I told him that under the new laws he needs to be wearing an arm band. Having done my educational piece, we carried on playing.

My point is, this (reds) are a very well run club, I can see lots of clubs not having captain’s armbands when the season kicks off.

And, note to self, something else to check at the coin toss.
Nope! Bhollicks!! You're all wrong!
The LOTG are quite explicit. If both Capts ain't wearing their armband, I'm abandoning before it starts, collecting my match fee and buggering off home with it.

I'll then spend said fee in the pub which I will have gotten to at least 2 hours earlier than usual. Win win.

Honestly, you lot don't help yourselves do you? :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: Above post may contain sarcasm and/or humour.