Can you give a decision you hear?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Had a throw in today, lad lumps it up field and I hear it take a nick off another player before it goes out of play. Now I couldn't hand on heart say I saw the touch, but there was clearly a noise. Obviously they took the throw and went and scored, cue a bit of moaning about the throw being given the wrong way.
A&H International
player reaction, if everyone expects a blue throw, don't be the only one to say red ball. even if you are right :)
If you KNOW you are right (and see it) have the courage to give the right decision. :)

If you don't know if it took a nick, then I agree with @HullRef. Wait and see what the players do before making a decision. They will often tell you with their actions who's throw it is. If they don't help you out, either give it to the defending team or if you are more in the middle of the park, go with your gut. either way sell it with confident body language.
I was happy with my decision. But I can't hand on heart say i saw the nick. But there was the unmistakable sound of ball on boot following the sound of the defender hitting the ball.
player reaction, if everyone expects a blue throw, don't be the only one to say red ball. even if you are right :)

1st rule of refereeing 'no surprises'

If you KNOW you are right (and see it) have the courage to give the right decision. :)

If you don't know if it took a nick, then I agree with @HullRef. Wait and see what the players do before making a decision. They will often tell you with their actions who's throw it is. If they don't help you out, either give it to the defending team or if you are more in the middle of the park, go with your gut. either way sell it with confident body language.

You guys are clearly trying to wind me up again :eek::eek::eek::(
Sure you can! You don't have to explain how you came to the conclusion you came to so might as well just go with what your gut says.
You are a sales man - selling to your best client - YOU.

Sell it to yourself first, if you wouldn't buy it, then don't stock it again.