Can I Shoot From The Kick Off Ref?


The avuncular one
This chestnut crops up from time to time. Last match, mid second half, a midfielder sidles over to me after a goal and quietly whisper "I can shoot from kick off, can't I ref?"

"You can shoot from kick off if you want mate. However, I have seen your shooting today, any money you want you shank it out for a throw in". Big smile at him.

Suffice to say, he didn't shoot :D
A&H International
I have heard of a team locally who are now defunct who had a crazy windy, quite short pitch and would score quite regularly doing it against unaware teams.
There's a youth team that my son has played against on a few occasions that try this.

Usually either straight from the 2nd half kick off or if they have just conceded. Maybe it's a tactic to see if the opposition keeper is awake. It worked for them on one occasion.