The Ref Stop

Burnley Barnes

Ciley Myrus

RefChat Addict
Clear pen!
But what follows is a clear red for offensive etc!
Hang your head in shame Mr Taylor and explain to anyone who cares how on earth you deem his actions to be worthy of NO punishment!!!

Disgrace and a kick in the maw haws to all referees.
The Ref Stop
It’s a complete mess isn’t it? Part of me thinks he doesn’t want to make it worse after realising it’s a mistakes but he should have gone for that reaction, it’s unacceptable.

I agree though, it’s a pen and the AR should spot that.
If its not a straight red, it simply must be a second yellow, its an insult to the profession and if he was someone I was colleagues with, I honest would be giving him a call asking how he justifies that

Serious allowing that is urinating on fellow referees and as ever, making it ok for public park players to follow suit. Appalling standard to be setting. Sickening
Imagine how that AR feels as well? He’s taken an absoloute verbal battering from Barnes and then he’s seen his colleague do nothing about it? Surely that’ll effect your confidence for decisions later in the game if you think the referee doesn’t back you
Clear pen!
But what follows is a clear red for offensive etc!
Hang your head in shame Mr Taylor and explain to anyone who cares how on earth you deem his actions to be worthy of NO punishment!!!

Disgrace and a kick in the maw haws to all referees.
Peter Walton explained it as passion on BT Sport and appeared to justify not cautioning.

Not sure that I'd tolerate that passion on a Sunday morning...
Peter Walton explained it as passion on BT Sport and appeared to justify not cautioning.

Not sure that I'd tolerate that passion on a Sunday morning...

Throwing your arms a yard away from the AR screaming f off is a straight red
There is no other definition

Dont know whose worse, ref, or AR for standing their taking it!!!

Bare in mind the yellow issued is for the alledged dive. So, nothing at all for the reaction. Total shambles from the officials and answerable to a committe at local level. No doubt Taylor get next weeks top tv game and a Champ League trip as recognition for the standard, or, managment of players on display.

If thats how to manage something, none of us need go out to our game today
Throwing your arms a yard away from the AR screaming f off is a straight red
There is no other definition
Yes I absolutely agree, but he explained it as not even being worthy of a caution.

To cop out of the mandatory red card for OFFINABUS is one thing. To not even deem it dissent or USB for adopting an aggressive attitude beggars belief.
Also in this case do we think the assistant referee should have forced Taylor's hand by visibly flagging?

Not that he should have had to in the first place mind as it was extremely clear what was happening.
Also in this case do we think the assistant referee should have forced Taylor's hand by visibly flagging?

Not that he should have had to in the first place mind as it was extremely clear what was happening.

Yes! They are both guilty of bringing refereeing into dispute
If you are an AR who is going to accept that outburst, or a referee who is going to take no action on it, do the rest of us, football, and yourself a favour and head to Tesco on a Sat afternoon
His language was so bad the BBC blurred his mouth on the match of the day replays.

At least none of the presenters tried to defend his behaviour.
I honest feel Taylor should be facing a charge for bringing the game into disrepute

Embarrassingly poor standard from an elite referee

In a week this forum ran 4 pages over a seemingly innocent, but unsporting act by KBD in the City game caused debate, compare that to an x rated rant, complete with windmill arms, totally spreading jobby on both match officials from a great height, and well, somebody needs a good long look at themselves in the mirror

Taylor has now set a bar for what he classes as dissent, far less offensive, in his games to come.

Am seething I witnessed that on tv this morning. I hope he cries into his sunday roast at the damage he has caused his plankton esq colleagues today

Batman was right. With great power, comes responsibility. And Taylor abused his. And let down xx million match officials in the process
Having met AT recently, I get the feeling that they're under huge pressure to keep players on the field. I haven't seen the Barnes incident, but the posts above are united that the incident was just another green light for abuse further down the pyramid
Having met AT recently, I get the feeling that they're under huge pressure to keep players on the field. I haven't seen the Barnes incident, but the posts above are unanimously in agreement that the incident was just another green light for abuse further down the pyramid

Am in the camp of keep them on. But this was in another dimension to whats acceptable..
Barnes might have well have lamped the lino. Its all that was missing
It made a Wayne Rooney rant look like Hyacinth Bucket was having a go at you. rIp Clive
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And I even over looked the equalising goal....scored by Barnes, who should not have been on the pitch!!

You should be accountable for a dereliction of duty Mr T and in an office job you would face a disciplinary, at the very least
Your inability to take the correct action based on fact, not opinion has altered the score in a game you are expected to ensure fair play. And thats skiffing the surface of either neglect, or dare I say it, cheating. And as I refuse to accept the referee would cheat, it can only be deemed a neglect of duty.
I honest feel Taylor should be facing a charge for bringing the game into disrepute

Embarrassingly poor standard from an elite referee

In a week this forum ran 4 pages over a seemingly innocent, but unsporting act by KBD in the City game caused debate, compare that to an x rated rant, complete with windmill arms, totally spreading jobby on both match officials from a great height, and well, somebody needs a good long look at themselves in the mirror

Taylor has now set a bar for what he classes as dissent, far less offensive, in his games to come.

Am seething I witnessed that on tv this morning. I hope he cries into his sunday roast at the damage he has caused his plankton esq colleagues today

Batman was right. With great power, comes responsibility.
And Taylor abused his. And let down xx million match officials in the process
It's like you're deliberately trying to upset me. That was Spiderman and it was said to him rather than by him!

Seriously though, everyone agrees with you, there's literally no need for a 4-page long debate thread when there isn't a single dissenting voice. It's a disgrace and he's caused thousands of other referees around the country (possibly world) to have a more difficult life as a direct result.
Peter Walton explained it as passion on BT Sport and appeared to justify not cautioning.

Not sure that I'd tolerate that passion on a Sunday morning...
That's the idiocy we need to get out of the game...'passion'....what an absolute load of crap.
Every sport is passionate. No sport encourages abuse.
And it's not even about 'putting up with it'. So many things about this sport actively encourage abuse.

Including idiotic comments like that - I mean, if screaming F*** OFF at the AR is showing passion, then that implies the screaming abuse is a good thing - after all, passion is a positive quality on the field!!