Brian Graham V The SFA


Level 4 Referee
Hi all! Just wanted to make those who aren't aware of this situation aware and seek clarity from those who are. Brian Graham won a penalty on Saturday for St Johnstone V Inverness (highlights http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/30565615) from what appears to be a dive. The SFA are now charging him and punishing him with a two match ban (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30592297). I fully agree that diving should be heavily penalised and removed totally from the game BUT, can they retrospectively penalise a player who had already been deemed not to have committed an offence? In the same way a player can't be retrospectively given a red card for an offence which the referee has seen and deemed to be yellow, surely this is along those lines - if the referee thought it was a dive he'd have penalised Graham for diving; if he thought it was a penalty he'd have awarded the penalty, which he did, and so, technically, Graham hasn't committed an offence?

I'm just wondering where this could lead us in terms of the power retrospective decision making could hold? Could any decision by the referee be overturned i.e. a corner which leads to a goal was incorrectly awarded so the corner is retrospectively not given, the goal doesn't stand and the result is altered? i may be a lone voice in this but it seems somewhat dangerous…

PS…on a lighter, 'no conspiracy theory involved' note, a very merry Christmas and happy new year to all! :)
A&H International
You've made quite a leap from a player being retrospectively punished (which happens all the time) to the result being changed (which has never happened). Good to see the player get banned, hope to see more like this.
One of the worst dives (by that I mean, poorly executed) I've ever seen by the way. The referee must have thought he'd seen contact, and to be fair, he had a better angle than we do on this clip