The Ref Stop

Boot inspection


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I am a new level 9 referee but i have never played football. I've done middled 2 games and done the line for 7 games. on my last game in the middle one player ripped the boot of another player in a tackle. the player complained that the offender might have been wearing rugby boots.

could someone please explain if possible with pictures the difference between football boots and rugby boots so i know what to look for during kit inspection. i normally look s for serration and sharp edges. I've tried googling it but nothing really useful has come of it.
The Ref Stop
Rugby boots normally sit higher up the ankle than football boots.

Generally during the boot inspection as you said you'll be looking for sharp studs etc. also make sure the studs aren't metal as again rugby players tend to use metal studs.

Rugby boot:

Football boot:

Hope that helps.

Welcome to the site by the way :)
Thanks for the welcome. what do you mean by metal studs?? sorry if i am being dense but don't football SG boots like the one above have metal content??


He means full metal studs. Where the whole of the stud is metal with no plastic. Look at the photo's again and you'll see what I mean.
Some football boots do have metal tips on the studs. Just make sure that the whole stud isn't metal.
Roger that :). i see what you mean. Thanks for that. Those are the sort of things i guess should have been covered during the basic course.