Being Assessed - What to Expect


RefChat Addict
Hi Everyone,

I'm being assessed on an U12 game this week and was just wondering what to expect etc.

It's an unofficial assessment that I've asked for from my refs secretary (L3 referee) but he'll be marking me as he would if it was for promotion. Is there anything I need to do differently to what I would normally do?

Thanks :)
A&H International
The best advise I will give you is to be yourself and to referee as you normally would other wise the assessment will be almost useless due to the fact its not your normal style. How will the assessor pick up your weaknesses/strengths if your trying to be something your not.
As Dave has said, be yourself, referee as you normally would. It's all too common that when referees know they are being assessed they change their game.
As above.

I would add to make sure not to throw any easy marks away, visible equipment check & studs, check nets pre kick off and half time, big smile, do what you do very week and enjoy yourself! :)
Turns out it didn't matter! The guy who was coming to assess me didn't turn up, I assume he was held up at work. Oh well, I'll take all the advice on board for next time :)